Hey guys, those are actually looking pretty damn good. One last thing though, does the crown look better floating above the head? Post that versions too
Nah I tried it like that and it looked to cluttered (my version anyway). Maybe bens would look ok like that but not mine.
Same as Crypto, mine looked better tilted as well. Adds a casual kind of look to it! Any improvements guys? & As I said, it can be applied to anything, any size because it is vector. EDIT: Had a go at what crypto was doing ;p
Updated original post's Link's section. Used the new graphics you guys have created Just need ones designed for Flag, Ball and Team ball now Also could one of you design a banner/title for the thread? i just made that on flamingtext.com and it kinda sucks..
Im loving all these gametype pictures . I put the large TRS one that crypto made in my sig to try to help gain popularity.
Hey cool. For flag I was thinking of having the flag with the Regenerator symbol on it? <----- Regenerator symbol --- Which version for Oddball? 1. 2. --- Also for some reason I had an ugly outline around the Slayer version, so for those who have used those images here are the updated pictures:
Looks sharper, as if you had a glow round it before? Lol, turning into G&A but it is all OT so they can't complain.. Will update this post with oddball in about 30 mins No need for team or ffa versions. Also, I couldn't think how I could incorporate oddball any more than that I'm afraid, so it will have to do.
Yeah before I had this ugly outline around the images which as you said looked like a glow. Now they are much sharper.
Did you do that in flash then or did you actually use photoshop but forgot to take whatever filter was on it off? Also, thoughts on mine? EDIT: New banner I made. Thoughts?
I quite like that one for the oddball.. its rather nice --- And i definately like the flag one --- However, for a team ball image, i really think there should be 3 guys in the image just so you can tell at first glance its the team version
Tbh I liked Crypto's 2nd Oddball logo the most out of the three we have. I do think B3NW's flag logo is spot on though, just how it should be. Also the banner is very nice, but maybe the regen logo on it should be scaled down, as it is a bit big compared to the images and (for me) it takes up nearly half a page.
I looked at this for quite a while, its nice.. but i think the regen logo is possibly too big. It's a great idea though, its like the actual skulls.. maybe incorporate a sketchy engraved type regen logo on the skull.. now that my friend.. would be epic
Flux Regeneration? :L I don't know if this a joke banner or not, but strangely I prefer it to the original. In my honest opinion though, the grey is kinda off-putting, maybe a darkish-subtle green instead? And fix the name
Steve wanted the name coz I pointed out to him regen slayer is for slayer only and he wanted a word that was similar to regen (hence flux) & I also know it is pretty trashy ;p