If you've played MW2's Spec Ops" Breach & Clear then you know how to play this. This isn't a Remake of the Level. 5 ODST's grab their weapons, Grab the Bomb and Get to the hornet. Basically flying towards to Building. While this is happening, the other team is protecting the house with Missile Pods, Turrets and Rockets. While there taking down the hornets. ODST's Breach the door and rush into the house. There is a Bomb Area (just like in COD:MW2). Arming takes 30 secs. And can be disarmed in 10 secs. They have to wait awhile and protect the bomb. Some of the Squad can escape by getting in the Hornet. This is almost as related to MW2 as I can get. This New Map and New Mode is going to be worked on for many months so don't exspect this releasing soon. Im just explaining How "Breach & Clear" Gamemode works. This will release before the Release of Halo:Reach. Thanks for viewing! Concept Made By: UDie47Xs Map Made By: Lil Devil9597
This sounds pretty awesome! If you manage to make it work I would love to forge a Map for it, if you want to have several maps when you launch the gametype.
that sound like a pretty sweet concept. It would be cool if people coppied some more sep op missons. I dont know maby the one where you have to kill off the juggs.
Answer Some Questions: Q: How do you plan to take on a COD:MW2 Remake? A: Basically, make the player have options. In Spec-Ops "Breach and Clear" had only 1 option. Select your Weapon and Blow the Wall. However, this isn't a remake of the map. There are 2 Teams. (Assualt). The Main Point is to get to the Choppa, Select which Door you wanna Breach and Arm the Bomb From Any of the 2 or 3 Bomb Points. Q: There's only 2 Hornets without Missles, How do you plan to fix that bug? A: I know that the Hornets only hold 2 Players besides the Driver. I'm gonna add Tele's to teleport teammates without have to fly back and forth. There are 3 Areas to Breach which means 3 Recievers. Teleporters are gonna be active until player shot the bomb and unlock the tele. Q: How many floors, Is there gonna be cover and How Many Players Need for a team? A: There are gonna be 3 Floors, Yes theres cover like blocks and walls and a team must have at least 6 Players. Q: Beta Launch? A: I'm not talking about the Beta. Infact we haven't even talked about releasing this. Besides we have Cross-Over Releasing Soon. However, this map should be done by August. We are gonna talk about if there is a Beta next time we have a Clan Meeting. Q: Will this map have anyother gamemode? A: We are talking about making some kind of Bonus Mode. Trust me it will have some type of Bonus Mode.