What do you guys think the campaign co-op will be. Do you think that everyone will be Noble six or do you think that the party leader will be noble six and the other players will get to be the other characters? Like it goes down by the numbers, the second player is Noble five, third is Noble 4, etc. Also, do you guys think that in co-op we will be able to play with more than for people.
It's already been announced that players will not be able to play as the campaign characters. The spartan you play as will be customizable and look the same in other game modes such as matchmaking. I don't believe we will be able to play with any more than four player co-op; in the latest ViDoc they said something about the huge battles that are possible, and that it can run up to four spartans, which I believe is referring to the maximum amount of players in a campaign game.
They actually said 4 spartans, the player and 8 marines. Still, I personally don't think we'll get more than 4 player co-op.
I don't want more than 4 player co-op. Much too laggy for my tastes. Much too laggy. I love that our caracter is in campaign, thats tihght as hell, and I really want to see what kind of armour we get.
It would be interesting to have six player co-op but it would be pretty stupid unless they tripled the number of enemies (which they probably can't do in most cases). Halo 3 was way too easy on four player co-op, even on Legendary.
If co-op is in reach (which there's about a 99.9999999% chance of), I think that player 1 should play as the main spartan and players 2, 3 and 4 should play as other Spartans on the squad.
Sigh, why is this thread still going on? They blatantly said in an article that in co-op, both players will be Noble Six.
Conversation ender: You play as your own customized spartan in campaign. This customized spartan is also your spartan for every other game mode (matchmaking, customs, forge, etc). /Thread
I'm sure I read somewhere that drop in drop out was happening. I can't for the life of me think where tough ;l May have been hearsay.
Don't comment on this thread anymore just let it drop down. That idea I had was old now I know how co-op is going to work. /thread