Ok, I'm not sure about you guys, but I've come to notice the Halo 3 map Construct is a TERRIBLY designed map. And before you start assuming I'm hatin' on the multi-level system, I'm not. Here's why I think Construct is a TERRIBLE map. 1. The map has 5 POWER WEAPONS!! Don't believe me? Let's count 'em off. The sniper, the missle pod, the flamethrower, the spartan laser, and the energy sword. 1 2 3 4 5. 2. Speaking of power weapons, the only one anyone ever goes after is the energy sword! A game on Construct is 75% a constant battle for the energy sword. Once in a while you'll see someone using the flamethrower, but rarely any of the other power weapons. 3. The multi-level system is good, but there's on major flaw. The only place anyone ever is is the TOP FLOOR! Why? Because all the lifts lead up to the top floor, and you'll find one anywhere. If you don't agree, check out this. Almost ALL the carnage is on the top floor. 4. Camping is a HUGE problem on this map. Every time you head up a lift, there will almost always be someone on top waiting to assassinate or stick you, especially at the big orange lift. 5. The radar in this map will confuse the **** out of you. When you round a corner thinking there will be a guy there for you to kill - oh, what do ya know, he's on a different level! So, in your reply, tell me what your opinion is on Construct's design and whether or not you agree it's horribly designed. I definetly took out a lot of anger in this thread.
I agree with everythink you said and I would like to add this point: - Its a Halo 3 Map Construct is one of the best Maps in Halo 3, yet its one of the worst in Halos History, but there are already enough Disscusions about this Topic, just compare Lockout and Blackout. The problem with Construct is, that there is no real Reason to leave the Top Area, everything you need is up there, the Sword, Granades, BRs and the Sniper. Even the MLG version cant cancel this, although there is a CP and the Sniper down in the Basement/Hill. There are 5 Ways to get to the Top, and all of them are to easy to Control, If I would have been able to forge Construct I would raise the whole bottom Floor to where G2 is now, this way it would be easier for the Team which doesnt have Top Control to attack the opposing Team without having to get to the Top at first place ..
No, no, no, no, no. Learn what design is. Design is not what power weapons are on a map. In my opinion, power weapons are great. The normal design is a little puzzling with the inclusion of the missile pod and laser (???), but other than that I don't think it's bad. On #3: that's the point...it's called vertical supremacy and makes the game very interesting. There are 5 major points to access the top level: both lifts, sword legs, gold lift, and the open ramp. Controlling those turns them into well-placed choke points that makes the game a constant fight for the top levels. #4: as is the way with randomly rushing into a situation. Halo is meant to be played with a team, Construct doesn't play well at all otherwise. Making team strategies (for instance, having someone check the lift before people lift into it) is the point, instead of having people randomly rushing around the map or hiding like COD. #5, besides this defeats the purpose of your argument #3, that's the point. I wasn't very pleased with the announcement in Reach about having 3d radar (i'll have to see it before I can be truly disappointed), but I think there's a whole lot to having players on different levels of the game, showing up on the radar. It definitely adds to possibilities a team can have. I'm not saying that Construct is perfect, but if it was exactly even it wouldn't be interesting at all. I'm a big fan of the map and the fight for top control. Map design is all about options and building to the player. Not to having some "perfect map", as that would just be a completely empty box. But if your idea of a "good design" isn't something that will let you grab a flamethrower and take out a few guys sitting on the top of the gold lift, or give you multiple varying options, play MLG. I like MLG, it's competitive, it's fair. It won't give you the same level of casual competitiveness. In either case, think when you play. If you're randomly running around trying to be all pro by racking up kills, you're doing it wrong. Play with a team and learn to strategize together. From what it looks like, Reach will have significantly more importance placed on team strategy over running around randomly.
I had a long response, but everything I said was phrased much better by Insane... I feel like I wasted so much time typing that...
Uhh I'm sorry...I'd like to see it anyway, if you didn't just get rid of it completely, haha Always good to have multiple viewpoints on something, even if it's the same thing reworded. As long as it's decently thought out, of course.
construct would fare better if it was scaled down. ramps are far too long imo. vertical sumpremacy overkill
My points were just saying that with the lack of Vehicles the Missile pod and Laser are just different weapons, and not power weapons, also that the Flamethrower is only good when the person getting scorched fails to stick or backpedal. The last point is that if there are Five entrances, and Four players on each team, not all of them can be watched at once.
Technically, one or two player can watch every route. However, IMO the main point isn't that they can or can't all be watched, it's that there's always enough options to defeat them with teamwork. People often neglect the sword legs as a legitimate rush to take out people camping lifts. In every situation on a good map (which I think Construct is), a player should have team options to take out players, no matter their position. Construct is fairly successful at that, as long as you're not running straight into them over and over.
Not knowing what level the enemy is on is like half the fun. Personally its all preference. I seem to go through phases where I'll like a map, then hate it, then like it again, but now I really do like construct. And you say that there are too many power weapons but people only go for one, so who cares how many they are?
I think it is q great map but the bottom is hardly used. The only power weapons I use On it are the sniper and the sword. But the missile pod is last weapon I would put on this map. There isn't any vehicles! There should be less BRs at the top because there is a total of 5! Way to many. If a OS or AC would be placed at the bottom, less BRs and no pointless weapons this map would be amongst my favorites.
Construct is my favorite map. I like this map because the top levels are chaotic and several choke-points and choke-point battles are going on at once. The reason anyone is losing is because you're not working as a team and being all lone wolf and try charging up the lifts. It promotes team strategies and working together. And I feel that a Halo map should do this. The power weapons are a bit odd, but but tactically useful. Missile Pods and Flamethrowers are useful for an offensive move up the lift to take down the team above. The Sniper Rifle is useful to the team above to kill any opposing team members attacking from the other side of the map (using the depending lift). Also the Spartan Laser can also be used for this purpose. And obviously the Sword to for those close combat lift entry's or exits. Also Maulers are available so there's plenty of hardware for the team below to attack in many ways.
Okay, I see a lot of confusion between weapon placement and map design. Honestly I'm not fond of the weapon set on neither Construct or MLG Construct. The design, while it is a very different thing than Weapon placement, I also believe is terrible. My view on how to improve the map would be a less drastic change in elevation as well as more access to the top by ramp. As for the weapons, I disagree with the Missle Pod, Flame thrower and Laser on the defualt. The MLG sniper spawn on construct really doesn't make much sense to me seeing how it's no the most practical weapon in that spot of the map.