I know we have that silver-y looking anvil. I think its cool and symbolizes EXACTLY what we do. But honestly, its really plain-looking. I have an idea that someone else can perhaps do on their own: Everyone HATES it when they unintentionally delete an item. I have personally felt like ripping out that "Y" button on several occasions. Either I have to restart the game after putting in x-amount of time into the map that is lost, or re-do what I just funked up. Either way, the Y button is the bane of my existence sometimes. Y not have a logo that involves the "Y" button, like a strike-through styled Y? (you see what I did up there? I'm so damn good!) I am okay with Photoshop, but I will try to come up with somthing that may inspire another person to come up with an even cooler design. --dc
ugh yea i despise y. On my map AT-AT, i cnt count how mant times i deleted something cause of Y... Y Bungie? Y? (see im good with puns too lol)
I've learned to move the object I'm holding away from other objects before deleting anything. The A button has gotten me more though.
lol. i dont see the y button as ever being any significance to a logo for this website. Maybe a string of puns will evolve from this. Y? because it's the only thing "Y" is good for.
I like the forum's logo also. It fits very well into what we do. Although I kinda wanna mess with it a bit to make it look cool. Edit: Never mind. I don't think I could make it any cooler.
lolz. Thanks for the stock photo. But I was thinking of something more stylized or conceptual, as in made completely in PhotoShop. I have an idea or two in mind that I'm playing with. As I said, I know the silver anvil is our logo and I like it. But it would be nice to brainstorm an alternative, perhaps for a sub-group within FH. I don't know, I'm just throwing ideas out there. I will make a logo like this as soon as finals are over. I literally have no time to do anything right now. "Then howz u postin on 4g-huub if u haz no tyme, stupid cat!?" Well, I post here while I'm at work because I'm just a bad-ass like that. I can do the work of 3 full time employees and STILL have time to surf the web. *bows* No need for applause. ;-) --dc