Okay, This is my first post so.... this is a map i mostly made,(i had a little help from HaloKillerMatt), but its a good team slayer map. its good with pretty much any team slayer gametype, but i have a gametype for it. The middle is neutral, and gives your team an edge, so try to controll it. I put it under casual maps because there are a few honor rules... 1. don't destroy the other teams vehicles in thier spawn 2. feel free to invade their base, just dont camp there NOW V2: includes better center area/ no vehicle ramps Weapons/equipment list: spartan lazer x7 glof club x4 brute shot x8 shotgun x5 smg x8 BR x6 Sword x8 needeler x 2 sniper x8 rocket launcher x4 beam rifle x3 missle pod x2 sentenel beam x2 mauler x4 deployable cover x4 power drain x4 bubble shield x4 regenerator x2 trip mine x1 Thats it, hope you enjoy! downlad map/gametype here: MAP- http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=109692446 GAMETYPE- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details A view of the whole map A picture of the inside of the middle area My friend GundDown taking over the middle area Vehicle battles attacking the middle... Anti-air A front view of red base An outside view of the neutral center Your Opinion is appreciated!
Ok so in the vehicle spawns why is there that ramp? the warthog and ghost would work but it would screw up the scorpion big time. To enhance the looks of the map I would work on the center structure. Considering it is probably a focal point of the map shouldnt it be a liitle better then some parts? Take away the grav-lifts (or make tubes like Blackouts) and put a ramp on each side. Or just put one ramp and on the oppistite side make a platform for the Spartan Laser. Oh and one more thing can we have a weapons list please?
I like the general idea of this map except for the center area, it seems very open and anyone without a vehicle is in deep trouble. And about the spawn killing issue, are there only spawns in the bases? Beside these remarks, this map seems like it would be bunches of fun and i'll download it when i get a chance. 4/5
well the ramp we put in twards the end because we had a lot of problems during testing will people destroying the vehicles from their base,(some people don't like to follow honor rules), so we made and executive desision to put ramps in which reduced the problem. If you want to go ahead and take them out on your own, i dont mind. as for the middle, the grav lifts seemed like the best choice because we wanted to leave room for vehicle manuvering without useing teleporters. Thanks for your ideas though