Hello again forge hub its babybaconstrips here with the preview of the 3rd map in my industrial map pack, Stacks. This time i went with the unexpected a roof top of a factory built in a factory that's right this map is unfortunately its built in foundry. ALL YOU WANT IS PICS? I GOT EM!!!! COMMENTS?
Im from Germany and Im learning English since Im 12 years old, so obviously English is a foreign language to me, but I honestly think that if I flew you to Germany and you would have to pass on of my English Exams you would fail miserable ... In Germany we have a kind of dictionary called 'Duden', it explains the whole languge ,I assume you have something similar in Armerica, go out and get it ... Besides that I ave no Idea what the map is about, I can only judge it by the pictures, and they dont look too good. The Forging is average, its clean but very uninspired. The Map itself is easily escapeable, so I would suggest that you raise walls. Is that the whole map? I dont hope so, but so far its just a flat space with some bridges in the middle and a couple of corners ... I hope your grammar and the map itself improves until the release. EDIT: Finally! After reading your description about 50 times I got the basic message! Im sooo proud of myself! Now I know that if I ever go to an English Speaking Country I will be able to understand drunk 7 years olds! **** Yeah =P
first im from canada you could of easily figured that out from looking at my profile a flat space do you not see the smoke stack and the clock tower. i even put in a ****ing teleport door seriously dude you need to actually look. last im 13 not seven and im not drunk im hungover any ways please pay attention to my detail as this a rough copy as are most of previews ive already raised the walls and added more detail into it and just s you know its a 1V1 MAP
Strange, I always thought Canada was American, like Greenland, the USA, Mexico, Brasil ... If there is a 2km² large area with only gras, and one tree, its still a flat area to me. I dont think your clock tower is accessible and a '****ing' teleport door' has nothing to do with different levels of elevation? I wanted to point out that all of your playable map is on the ame hight, except the tiny structure on picture 3. How should I knew that you already raised the walls? And of course I know that its a 'rough copy', this is a preview and we are in Forge Discussion, thats the reason why I discuss your map with you. And even without highlighting your Text in Red and Size 7 I got that its a 1v1 Map, but 1v1 Maps are no excuse for bad Map Design.
Okay, i5m KS LD You should of noticed that it was a 1v1 map. "1V1 MAP " There it is in BOLD! Calling him a 'drunk 7 years olds' for sure is against the rules (Rudeness). I know your country has been rude since Hitler but come on "drunk 7 years olds" That isn't just 1 person, your calling everyone here a "drunk 7 years olds". Just Shut-up and focus on the Topic. (I know I've been rude but at least I can say that about myself!) Report Me if you will. Anyway, Finally Im able to see your 3rd map. I knew Blackout (Platform 136) wasn't that amazing, however, Private Docking and Stacks look somewhat great. Toss me an invite so I can fix the teleport in the door.
srsly, a 1v1 MAP!? I never called him a drunk 7 years old, its called sarcasm, i wanted to point out that hes not the best at his own language and I think it should be against the rules that Map Threads of such a low qualitly are beeing tolerated. And please, stop with Hitler, its getting old and Hitler was Austrian, not German. I could start with the whole Indian Stories, or Slavery? Im not rude, I'm Honest (I can use colors too =P ^^) I never wanted to offend anyone, I just wanted to keep a little bit of level (I dont know if this is the right word) on my beloved ForgeHub. Im used to maps that to fit my expectations when I open a Thread and Im used to everyone who thinks im an ignorant Asshole, but at least I want to be able to read a Map description and understand it. Of Course I have to look up some words and Im sure there are a lot of Mistakes when I write something, but the Original Post that I quoted in my fist respones wasnt edited by me and thats just poor and a circumstance that I am not willing to overlook.