First Ok now that I am first I can go on to describe this amazing map. I remember testing this with you and the gameplay was top-notch. I enjoyed how one team had great spawns but lack of powerweapons and the other had vice-versa. I enjoyed the fast paced gameplay and the good L.O.S's. Definate 5* from me but no DL:O simply because I already have it .
I remember testing this with AceofSpades and you(?). I really liked it, except for my teammates constantly quitting or sucking whenever we tried to get a 4th for 2v2 games. Having not played much Halo 2 I can't speak to how closely it replicates Ivory Tower, but I liked the elevation changes and the architecture a lot. Map is definitely 2v2 or FFA only though, it's quite tiny. Hair texture: Soft and bouncy.
Yes, I remember that day haha. But that reminds me, I forgot to include something in the post.... I would like to thank any and all testers for the time the spent helping me with this map.
Wow, very cool. This would have been a perfect candidate for the Halo 2 Tribute Pack over at Forge Union. I've never understood how to make teleporters invisible like you seem to have done. Is this more a map made similar to Ivory Tower, or more just a map inspired by the concept, because it says inspiration, but many aspects seem to replicate the original.
call me crazy, but I never really liked ivory tower on halo 2. this map does look great though, and maybe you'll change my mind. i'll give it a dl. again though, it looks really nice and i especially like the rocket spawn. it looks pretty ballin.
all i hav to say is tht u turned ur beast mode {ON} OFF.....and made an awesome map....good work..i just luv this flow of the map......good job 5/5
Urban you did great on this map overall. Also this map looks better in game then what those pictures show. the map plays like a fasted paced ivory tower because there is no bottom lift. Overall great job
Dude omg.... You like run asthetics on any competitive maps. The map looks almost perfect from what I see. The design is layed out like and actual map would be. I see much creativity and planning. I also see how you freely expressed it very nicely in this map. I'd love to play one this map. Hope to see more myth congratz ;D.
Amazing. I've never played on Ivory Tower but looking at how much effort you put in I'm sure this is a close remake. Aesthetics look great, especially the floor made of gold columns, I can't speak for gameplay but others seem to be happy with it. Best map I've seen in a long time, if not worthy of a feature then definitely worthy of a FHF.
Thanks again for making this Urban! (I know I've told you that like, 3 times already.) This is definitely my favorite Ivory Tower remake/ re-imagination. Your forging kind of blows my mind, not going to lie. Everything in here seems to be placed perfectly (or as near as I can tell in the middle of the intense fighting during the dozen or so AWESOME games we've played on here.) Not too sure what I think about the teleporter yet. I kind of think it adds a nice "spice" to the movement of the map. But I definitely want to do a bunch more testing to really get a feel for how it affects gameplay. All in all, I don't think it will change things too much, and if I want to not have it in there it would only take a whopping 30 seconds to delete (shorter than it took me to type this paragraph, lol.) I look forward to many more fun games on here, and I know a lot of the other guys we game with do too. Your maps leave lasting impressions in the minds of all who play them. And as time passes the legends of you will fade, till all that remains are myths. . .
fbs Ok, I love the idea of the map and it's inspired me to make something kind of along the same lines as this, although more open spaced. The map kind of looks like a rocket launcher might just be too overpowered in narrow corridors with no jumping space to avoid it. Other than that the only thing I don't like about this map is the name. Nice job ^_^
This really is a great map Urban. I've playtested this with you many times and every change that you made made the map even better. I am SO glad you fixed that hole too. ... except there's still a hole. I could probably find an item to fill it. Regardless, this a great map. Great job!
First off, i have to say thank you for making an amazing Ivory Tower remake. It was one of my all time favorite Halo 2 maps. The aesthetics of this map are stunning and very smooth. I would have loved to see the waterfall return and have the water spilling into the sword room, you probably could have made that look amazing as well. This easily goes up in the ranks of amazing remakes along with Ber Ber Creek.(5/5) Keep up the amazing forging!
One word: o_0 I have been rendered speechless by your ability to make your post so awesome. Brainy Talk aside, the map IS AWESOME just by looking at the pics! Looking forward to DLing it
Why thank you, I would like to say that you can thank MultiLockOn for the amazing thread. I don't have the programs on my computer to do this considering I have a notebook.
I shall pilfer my sentiments from myself and jubilantly repost them here. Urban, my NAT says to tell your NAT that it can "10010101111010100101100110110101". There was also something about being the unwanted offspring between a dial up modem and a watch calculator or something. But anyhow.. I've been begging you for this for a while and you usually had the same answer "Well it's basically done...but". So I waited patiently till the next time we were online, or at least till someone was able to be a mediator between our connections. But every time I've played this it was always fun. It's an excellent re-imagining of Ivory Tower but what's most noticeable is you were able to give it your own style which gives it a bit more originality than simply being a carbon copy. Excellent work my friend, you haz meh downlode.