Map Title: Small Map. Big Fights. First Map from KingofHeartX !Download Map! Description: So, the name of the map is Project Zero and it's my first (playable) map of all time!!! It was "inspired" by Guardian but I reduced the size to almost a 5th, i think? specifics 6 Players Maximum It can be played with any TEAM gametype. Gametypes that are not recommended are: Territories (land grab is fine though) Juggernaut FFA games Weapons AR & BR in each base -red base- Shotgun Mauler x2 Active Camo Plasma Nades x2 Plasma Pistol -In blue base- Sniper (on the roof) SMG x2 Overshields Spike Nades x2 Plasma Rifle -middle- Rocket Launcher Brute Shot Frag Nade x2 On to some pics... Bird's Eye View Worm's Eye View Sniper Spawn! Rocket launcher (and Plasma rifle) spawn! The AR BR and Shotty spawn in red base. The entrance is between the AR & BR Camo + mauler + PlasmaNades + Plasma pistol spawn Bruteshot spawn Overshield + SpikeNades Spawn Blue Base AR BR, Plasma Rifle and SMG spawn Well that was quicker than I expected... unfortunately I haven't had a chance to play test it PROPERLY yet so I don't have some action shots. But don't worry, if you download and play, you'll have plenty of chances to get some action. *note* if you're carrying a heavy object (skull/flag) or your speed is too slow, you will not be able to land on either side of the grav lift. Also, if you stand just beside it, it will carry you up. And if I had missed out any info, please say so! Thanks. Enjoy The Map Criticism is welcome P.S. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTz first map! sorry couldn't resist
First of all Congrads on your first map post you did everything right. ok now you have plenty of problems i can just spot in the pictures and the imformation you have gave us. 1. Placement of Weapons and Equipment Your Weapons and Equipment have been placed very badly, and here are a few tips on how you place your weapons Weapons 1) Place Power Weapons towards or near the middle this gives both sides a chance of getting the weapon 2) Place Ammo or weak weapons near or in the base area 3) Average Weapons should be place between the middle and your base Equipmnet 1) Equipment should be placed in different areas that are the main battlefied or near. 2) If equipment are placed near bases make sure they don't have a huge game changing effect. 3) each side should have EQUAL equipments so no advantages are set from the start of the game. Map Design and Structure Creativity Overall your layout is fine it just needs improving in points 1) Your placement of objects are fine but you might need to go to here Forge Hub - View Profile: Combat P3nguin This is where you learn everything you need to know when forging, some of it is very hard to learn but it is better if you still learn it. 2) your LOS ( Lines of Sight ) are pretty bad aswell from the sniper tower you can see everything to change this add cover or different levels. 3) your still learning basic forging and you might have done some things wong with the spawns i will download and have a check later. I could go on forever but if you need more imformation just message me here Forge Hub - View Profile: Combat P3nguin
Im not so sure as to where to start, but you do definatly need to to delete about half of the weapons and power-ups on this map. Also it might be wise to try to learn how to geomerge and ghost merge which i believe is in forging 101 (correct me if i'm wrong).
wow... detailed response combat penguin. wow... i think your first picture is a mind ****. just saying i was confused by the overview and thought that it was a different map or something... man did i get mind ****ed. anyways! i think its pretty small so id suggest adding two more bases on the left or right and change this into a free for all map. or just up the scale. and as far as weapons go. id suggest some maulers or snipers with low ammo capacity and semi long re spawns for each base. then some brs and single smgs around the map... i wouldn't go as far as placing two duel weildable weapons beside each other on such a big map. it would prove to be to dominant
Ehh. 6 maximum? I think 3 would be the maximum. There are too much power weapons, you should take most of them out and put weapons that would seem appropriate for instant spawning. Like the mauler, assault rife, spikers, and smgs. Take your time with maps, if you just rush then you get no downloads.
Hi guys, late reply lol. Thanks so much for the response, Penguin. I personally just think i was trying to squeeze a lot of weapons in a SUPER MEGA ULTRA TINY map. Meh. Will try harder next time... OVER & OUT
@twisted gaming1111: P3nguin means what you mean but you're phrasing it in a weird way, placing the gun itself is indeed ammo. Like why bother putting BR's in MLG maps? You start with BR's anyway, they're there for ammo. Anyway, There too many power weapons for your sized map. Maybe just two? Shotguns at each base if the no satisfactory LOS's can be achieved? And maybe one equipment. Also just do plasma or spike grenades only, not both. I suggest spike grenades since it's so small.