a remake of bungies miles on foundry but we made it on sandbox created by falcon1023 and myself...it is very hard p.s. if you actually finish legit could you send me a video and i will give you a virtual high five and congradulate you on the first to ever finish legit map:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details game type:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Welcome to Forgehub! sadly, your post is not up to standards and will be lockedif you do not have at least 1 picture or video of your map. instead of trying to get pics straight off bungie, you need to save them to your computer, upload them to a image hosting site (i prefer imageshack because the pictures nare never removed) and then you can take the url from that page your picture is on and insert it into your map to embed them. you can also use haloscreenshots.com, but i've never used that and therefore cannot tell you how to go about doing that.
herea tut for your for photobucket (with pics) http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-maps/18644-embed-screenshots-your-map-thread.html