Map Preview: Sketchup & Completion: Retroactive

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Col Keller, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To the followers of this thread, Thank you for keeping it alive first of all.

    I thought i would fill you guys in on Renegade, well that is if anyone is interested in how its going since it has gain some new found energy...

    I would love to show you a screen shot of what it looks like in game. Its awesome, I can promise that. But I don't want to get anyone's hopes up on any one feature in the map and have it end up being removed in the final run. So I am going to hold a sneak peak screen shot for a later date. I hope it will be worth the wait.

    You guys are the reason I make maps in the first place, and your the reason I keep going. I am making sure I take my time and get everything right for this map.

    It has been a slow build, but so far it is turning out far better than I have ever imagined. I have incorporated some very unique architecture and some sleek trick jumps. I currently have one side of the map completely done. (i wanted to get a judge where I was on budget) and so far I feel I should be OK. I have started to bring in the default objects and save some OLN and budget.

    As for pictures I am not quite ready to release them yet. But testing should be begin fairly soon, depending on my schedule.

    I hope you are excited to help me test it cause I am ecstatic!
  2. forgerallmighty

    forgerallmighty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map does look really good. BTW, can you send me the link you used to download teh Sandbox set you have for Sketchup? mine is way too big of a file, and freezes up a lot. Thanks
  3. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would link it to you accept i just build straight from the ground up with a new file. sorry...

    I use units of 1m to represent blocks.
    Width, length, height

    So a single block would be
    1m x 1m x 1m

    Block double is
    1m x 2m x 1m

    and so on so forth...
    By keeping it 1m and such small numbers the file is a lot smaller and easier to load. I can't use the prefabricated versions of sandbox because, like you, my computer will crash. Its over 8 years old and is starting its slow decent into hell for processing. But by making your own, you can custom make anything.

    Warning, though you have to mentally keep track of how big your map really is. Its easy to over sketchup your maps...
    #23 Col Keller, Apr 11, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2010
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good stuff, i just really liked the view you get in that picture and thought it would be great if you could actually see it in game :)
  5. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I cant wait to see your sketches come to life because youve got a really interesting looking map on your hands. The only problem i can see you running into is a lack of money. Hopefully you'll be able to pull this off.
  6. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map has been renamed from RENEGADE to RETROACTIVE. I hope this dose not cause any confusion... It is still the same map, it just has a new name.

    IF i can get a moderator to change the title form
    Map Preview: Sketchup: Renegade
    Map Preview: Sketchup & Completion: Retroactive

    The reason for sketchup to completion is I am going to be putting in game images up fairly soon. Thank you for your time and interest in this thread!
  7. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey man. Epic looking concept!!

    I did spot one thing that no one else seems to have mentioned.

    Above your starting base is a room/hallway with windowns looking down into the start/spawn area? I'm not sure how well that would play cause it might just encourage spawn campers.

    You might open it up a bit by making the window taller or something. Other people might have better ideas. I've been out of the game for a while so I could be entirely wrong. Just something to think about.

    Also, you might need to add another path in the middle to get from the bottom to the top. Like taking two of the ramps (the two not directly under the third floor walkway) that go from bottom floor to second floor and replacing them with mancannons that land you on the ends of the walkway.
    #27 Waylander, Apr 15, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2010
  8. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well first off thank you. That area has been addressed in by other people. In fact all the window is, is your able to look down. You can not shoot down through it. Ultimately testing will desire if the windows stay or if they go. Right now though they can't be shot through.

    As of right now I have a series of trick jumps up to the top from bottom at the middle portion of the map. That is not going to change seeing how the middle is such a power position I do not want one team to just completely rule over all. So the trick jumps are my way of secretly rewarding the player that of my maps knowledge.
    New pictures are up, enjoy!

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