My Friend and I made this. I thought of it, filmed it, edited it, and I think it turned out well. You guys tell me. Are my camera angles good, editing? Let me know. This is obviosly a joke video, that ramp is tiny and we blew it out of proportion on pupose. =) p.s. Link is being faggy YouTube- Too epic for you?
You were trying for something great, but failed. Most of the editing is good, while the camera shots were long, shaky, or just bad shots all together.
How was I trying for somthing great. It was a joke video. All the buidup for a tiny little ramp. And I'm sorry its not a hollywood film, jeez. And I disagree with it FAILING. psh. but I respect your opinion.
It seemed you were trying for something great, the music, and everything. It never kept my interest to actually see the "joke".
it would have been better if you fail the jump... at least then i could have got a chuckle out of it... everyone pretty much sums up what i was going to say.
okay, thanks for the opinion though. =) Thats kinda the point I guess. All the buidup and nothing HUGE really. But oh well.
You built it up and then repeated the joke over and over again, while seeming to keep the pressure rising. Before you showed him hitting the ramp in slow motion, you showed two clips of him jumping it. What you should've done is stopped the two clips right before he jumped, so the tension would hold. But I see what you did there.
You asked what everyone thought about your video, but then when Bloo replied you got defensive and disagreed. Make up your mind, do you want feedback or not?
He definitely should've failed. I agree with cutting the clips of the first few, then showing an epic crash in slow-mo... then you'd have an epic film my friend.
Everyone has been saying it'd be better if he fell. hahah. I agree that woulda been hilarious but oh well. Thanks for all the comments guys. Now I know what to do on my next videos.
It also would have been funnier if there was a real ramp in the background or something. Like you show this huge mega ramp, and the boarder seemingly heading towards it, and then at the end he actually goes over that tiny thing. (Using depth perception tricks and zooming out, etc) And then of course, he should fall over
YES! taht would have been hilarious. I honestly never though of that. Or hav the camera follow him on his side and u see the BIG ramp go by and then you look down and he goes over the tiny ramp. Haha that is a good idea.