RETROACTIVE 4v4 "Its bigger than it looks" Current pictures in forge are subject to change in the final map! Thank you SargeantSarcasm For editing the title! Well the original idea of this map came to me while i was forging Longevity. So during that process i had the idea of combining Longest and prisoner into one really bad a$$ map. The planning has taken me over a year to come up with. Retrying and restarting until i found a plan that i was happy with. That plan happens to be Retroactive, a 4v4 map that suits Slayer, CTF, oddball, and KotH. What i am going to show you is a small portion of all the detail that i will put into this map. Certain walls are hidden to hide some of the more impressive aesthetics because I don't want to give it all away at once. Expect some of your standard Col Keller architecture along with some new radical approaches. So without further a due... Renegade A colored Overview... the higher the elevation the darker it gets. UPDATED A side shot, still showing some layout. UPDATED One of the two bases The inner sanctum UPDATED looking into the center from above The aesthetics on the 1 of the two base bridges UPDATED That is all the goodies I am going to release for right now... Please give feedback, criticism, and show the love. I hope you are looking forward to it, because I know I am. RELEASE DATE: Mid June This actually looks really nice. I hope you're able to pull this off in forge cause its looks awesome.
So I assume this would be a 1v1? Unless I'm just wrong assuming the size, since their isn't really a scale to compare it to.
its a 4v4 map... I purposely over scaled the doors to twice the size they would normally be because i wanted the sense of the epic halo CE feel. This is just one of the tricks up my sleeve on this map. This map I am going to use all my expertise on. It just needs to be perfect.
Above the bases, at the random window part, is that going to be fully viewable by a player or is it just a hole that allows people to throw nades up? is this also going to be an access point players can jump through to gain entrance to the base? Also in the last picture, an archway is shown an it appears it leads nowhere, would this actually be a tunnel leading to the other lower section in the actual map build? i think that personally would merge all the paths better, because at the moment it seems pretty linear. Still looks rather good though, it'd be interesting to see what the outcome is. I also wouldnt recommend using lighting or if you do, singular lighting for all the map as opposed to both bases, it seems a little small to be mixing lights.
________________________________________________________________________ Wow nice post, this actually caught me off guard. Lol, anyways on to answering your questions... The original intention is that a player can shoot down and look down, but due to balancing issues i believe i am going to have to place a shield door in their to form a window. Ultimately this will be decided by testing. If I keep the ability to shoot down, there will be a trick jump to gain fast access to the top level. This jump will not be easy though seeing as its such a dominate position, but it will give serious gamers some graduated by completing it. After reviewing the picture I agree with you, it is quite misleading. Hope this picture clears things up. Well like i said this is a combination of Longest and Prisoner. Both are fairly straight forward and linear. I have added several alternate paths. Oh, and all the paths do merge in the center room. You are able to shoot up on the bridge and down to mid and bottom level. PS: the archways are twice the size of a normal archway. I wanted to give a sense of that HUGE halo CE feel that you get by big hallways, large rooms, etc. It is a 4v4 map. The map goes from one side of the crypt to the other. Its not going to be tiny. Lighting, well to be honest i have not decided what i was going to do yet with it. For the majority you will have a red and blue light at the bases. But the stuff i have hidden (aka the outside walls) have a lot to do with the color of the base. If you are unfamiliar with my work, I highly recommend you check out Longevity. Several elements of that map are going to be implemented into Renegade. Ascetics wise that is.
Sounds good... But about the archway. I'm under the impression theres 3 levels of combat, Lower, ground and upper? Where the lower is the S shape linking the two bases, the ground level is the main combat level and the upper level is well the upper level with the bridge. In looking at the last picture in the OP, it appears you are "standing" on the ground level and can see the other side at ground level. There is a doorway looking object to the left of the column, i assumed that led to the bases from what you pointed out in your updated pictures. My thought was the extra arch remained at the same height, but still connected the lower to the ground level via a jump through the archway? So the archway basically leads into a tunnel under the upper level linking the lower level and the ground level. Catch my drift? EDIT: Nevermind, after comparing where the bridge is located, i've figured out where the view is from... Good design anyway
There is a Ground level (the arch way you where talking about and its the "S" curve) Mid level is a straight line a crossed the map like in longest... Top level is with the bridges... Thanks by the way for the complement... --- I have now updated pictures sketchup pictures in the post
Wow, looks very nice. Is it within the budget? Sometimes I design big maps with multiple floors but then find its just not possible to build them!
Seen as though you've added new pictures made from proper pieces now i can see how its made and it looks great. One question though: The centre hole thing above the bridge looks really great, and would be immense if you actually constructed another floor above the map with the circular hole a way to get to the main area of the map again. Even if its just a small corridor from one base to the other that opens into a large central room with the hole would make the map that bit more unique. The access area could be from the Window hole bit that over looks the base and could be perched ontop of the pillar in the middle of the bases main entrance.
this looks incredible. It reminds me alot of elongation/ longest but it looks better. You might want to consider changing the name I have already found these, Renegade, Renegade, and Renegade Storm,
Looks really cool, ive always enjoyed looking at remakes. And not that it matters but the name "Renegade" has been used many other times so maybe come up with another name. EDIT: lol didnt see the post above me sry.
Yeah, it is really a miracle, I currently have the map half built, and the other half laid out and i have all my default blocks left and still have 380+ dollars. I am fairly confident that I will have enough budget to finish the map. --- I'm not entirely sure what you are suggesting... maybe its because its early on a Saturday or its because i am slightly retarded this morning but I'm not understanding it... Are you suggesting a quick route up to a fourth floor? And an entrance from a base to that floor?
Roughly.. Yes... Have a ramp head from the Window on the third floor that over looks the base, up to the "fourth" floor which is basically just a corridor from one base to the other and has a central room that has the middle of the floor cut out, so you can look down into the centre of the map as shown in one of your pictures --- So when you enter the central room on the fourth floor, you look down and see that ^ That would be mint
I see, that would be cool. That may make it into the final version, ill have to see where my budget leaves me and how much i can then include. I would still have to make the map inescapable but that wouldn't be to hard depending on what i have left... This also would add more verticallity to the map. And that was one of the main focal points of the map.
Google Sketchup... its free, and after about a half our of tinkering around in it you should be able to make what i made... So another words its pretty user friendly. they have tutorials how to use it if you want but its not hard to figure out how to get around.
This looks like it's gonna be a great map. The inner sanctum reminds me of Chill Out as well, with the bridge extending over the middle and the bottom pathways on either side opening up into it. You like Halo 1. I like you.
Please do pull this off. A map design this good should be made as such. I really look forward to the release and bravo for this design, just bravo I also like how a lot of the walls aren't solid they have little slits in them which greatly increase aesthetics