What's not needed is a mancannon, Simply dummy both objects, grab another large object from your menu and push them away. Also, it's rather pointless to wait for the never respawn block to disappear before you dummy the "merging" block. Granted, it's not going to no-clip until the never block disappears, but waiting just wastes time. But what I truly recommend, learn the up + X method. It simplifies everything.
I've been practicing the Up+X method already. It takes a lot of tries, but there's little chance of messing up and grabbing the object. The Man Cannon just makes things a tad easier. I find that whenever I dummy an object, it always "sticks" again before I can knock it aside -- even if I already have a heavy object waiting. And the reason I wait for the non-respawning object to vanish before dummying the other is that dummying the other has no effect until that point. I've tried both Up+A and Up+X (with both apparently working), but the object isn't affected by the Man Cannon -- even if I disturb it by bumping into it, or by swinging something into it. I can dummy it, but it can't be displaced. It works perfectly, however, after the non-respawning one is gone. This didn't happen to me on default Sandbox, so I think it's a budget-glitch side-effect.
you just aren't dummying correctly. It can definitely be displaced as soon as you dummy it, no matter what circumstance, given you actually do dummy it. Along those same lines, an object won't 'stick' after you dummy it. If it 'sticks' then you didn't actually dummy it. Keep practicing. btw i like your sig
I do up+a then check it with an upside-down man cannon so it doesn't shoot to the other side of the map
uh wow, thats awesome, ive been putting stuff through foundry geom. with doors and boxes, why did i not know this?!?! great tut though thanks!
Won't work for me, I followed each step exactly and nothing, the dummy just dissapears and the object I'm holding just continues to do nothing
You're obviously not following the steps exactly, then. My guess is that you're not changing the Run Time Minimum to the maximum number you can set it to.
I know 100% that I am, but it still won't seem to work, and yes I do set the minimum run time as high as possible.
Are you using a budget glitched OLN map? That's the only reason why I could think it may happen because that's the only time I have issues.
Is there a chance of including something here about teleporters, since there is no Respawn: never for those
Has anyone else noticed that if you don't let go of the ghostmerged box its unghost merge version isn't affected by gravity? me and my mates play around the glitch quite a lot.
If you are using the "UP-X" method, you should be able to pre-brace the position you want with, lets say columns, and maneuver the second item (or the object to be forced-spawn) into position, before you force-spawn the the ghost-merged object. This would allow you to have the correct angle/angles.
im having issues doing this glich. half the time when the item set to respawn never dissapears and i change the run time min to max the item wont respawn so i cant do the glich. only happens with certain items
Go back and make sure doing everything in the order that it needs to be done. Using the up-X method you have to set the respawn to never. Then create a second item and grab it, again using the up-X method. If you have set up some prebracing, you take the second item and adjust it into your prebracing. Finally, you can go into the items properties and force respawn the item. The item will have the angles you want and as long as you don't spin it, you can move and place it where you want. If you have any more questions you can go back and look at the ghost merging thread. Good luck.
Best... glitch... EVER! Wow.. what little geo-merging I did, I dreaded. This technique is revolutionary.. I'm having so much fun! It really opens up the possibilities to those (read me) who don't have the patience to geo-merge everything.
Yeah when I first found this I though it was going to be a way to have floating objects in custom games instead of what it is. I beleve the end result was a bit better, don't you? Haha well thanks again to everyone who made it so much easier. One last thing for you to think about; try merging objects into the guardians on sandbox, or snowbound. You may enjoy the result, if you manage it correct. I would post a vid but I don't have xbox live ATM. I really like Laser light shows myself.
Hey, I'd like to ask something..... when I was trying to counter-merge, when I turned into player-mode to dummy them, it teleported me back above surface! Hopefully this issue wasn't posted before (didn't take the time to search the thread).
I have watched this video and followed all the rules to the letter but what i cant seem to get done is my second object never seems to dissapear. if anyone is willing to help me it would be much appreciated. GT Theory i