Conquest on a Cool Map Descripshon. This are a conquest map and is made on the center level of the level of sandbox (the one level with all the hills and sand ) It are relly cool and and you shuld downlode. Im sereus, if yu downloed yu wonte be dissapointment. Gamepley. This are really cool map who doesnt afraid of anything Weoapons. I put many different weapons like 5 rockets, 8 snipers, 12 missle pods, 6 hammers, 8 energy knifes in each base for funner games. Teknikes. I used many new tecnikes of forging on this map including the newly discovered save quiut method. Pictures (I howp they wourk or else i neez tuturilolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Downloed teh map from tis thread Also, please comment on how my thread was because i spent many times working on it to get it perfect
Wow, you are right this is a cool map. I really like the smoothness nad the kool gold ball aesthetic thing you got going on there. I do have a question though, Why did you take the pictures in forge? Is the map not completely done/tested yet? Anywho, This map looks stupendous and a definite DL from me. Edit: The thread is awesome. Looks like you spent many hours making this exactly how you wanted it.
Just to let you know you spelt A,Cool, weapons, techniques WRONG Well now that the I got that out of my systems even though there was no need for it. I'm not a pro on conquest maps and i'm not a pro on map making but your map look pretty awesome, although probably not the most unique design but you sir pulled it of very nicely can't say much on game play but I'll download for sure I'll edit the post after i've had a look round EDIT: Had a look round the map may i say it lokks awesome haven't played a proper conquest game but I played a with a very small party and I must say it plays really well GO YOU CONGRADULATION
Just an FYI the "Save & Quit" method is outdated. Just for a bit of info for your future maps look up "Ghost Merging."
I love all of the junior members calling you out on these "mistakes". Of course I'm a junior member, but still... Anyways, 'tis a very cool map. The ceiling on the centre looks really well forged. Must have taken you ages with just the save quit method! :3
Jesus are you retarded. The map post is a joke. Cowboy is a ghost merging ***** for christ sake Anywho, the pictures really don't do the map justice. There's tons of awesome parts he didn't show, I'd like to encourage everyone looking at this thread to download, you won't regret it.
Did it occur to you that the poster might have been playing along...? I dig the looks of the map; hopefully someone hosts it the next time I'm on.
='(.... Anyways, I think this map looks relly coola nd stuff so you did a really gooder job than last time. when i downlode it ill let u know about it k?
lmao jesus u made me lol. OT: I agree muchly; it is a cool map. I particularly like the doorway on the first screenshot. Well done on the excellent thread by the way!
thanks to everyone, especially the ones that knew the post was a joke, unlike a couple people Im proud to say that because of all of your support, the map is already up to 15 downloads. Thanks aton
Congratulations on an amazing spam post! But its time to get to business. 1: Great job on the conquest logo merged into the ceiling, i've never seen it done before. 2: The aesthetics of the map are great and don't interfere with gameplay (Golf Balls) 3: You did a great job of staying true to conquest form by making a lot of straight corners and hallways.
Goin' in my sig. I knew who you were from the start, so I was wondering "What's cowboypickle doing with a map named 'A cool map'?" Well, I saw. And despite expectations (of people who don't know who you are), it really is a cool map. U R HAXORR HOW DID U MEK DAT HOLE MAP WITH ARE BE ONLY DA SAVE AND QUITE METHUDZ?
Really good map, I just finished get a good game on it and I gotta say its pretty cool. All of your maps always look great so I dont have anything to complain about it although the conquest sign on the ceiling bothers me a bit. Anyways great job with da post dewd!
Yeah about the map post. Your post style is cool and all,(not really, being an idiot isn't a very nice alternative when you have a choice, against to intelligence.) but some of the information is needed. This is basically just a bunch of eyecandy pictures. Btw 12 middle pods is impossible.
true but both methods work just as effective as the other. and who cares anyway? the map is flippin sweet!