Nice remake! Loved this map on Halo: CE,played it a lot with my friends. Very clean looking, geomerging looks nice. Spectacular remake.
This is such a great remake, but somehow I didn't enjoy playing on it. I tried liking the gameplay but I guess it's just not my style, but I must mention the great look of this map, it is well crafted.
This map is av ery accurate replica. I like how the blue lighting is used as in the original on CE. Very good idea to bring the good old maps frome Ce to halo 3
one of the best remakes out there, i think. this one plays pretty much exactly the same. good work custom FFAs on this is the shiz
I have to say what a classic this one is as being a remake brings back memories on Halo CE playing with freinds with nothing but shotguns or a game of all rockets this one deserves much attention. =}
Preview Review From what I can see in the videos and the pictures, it is a solid remake. Nice, clean, smooth flow between objects. Precise positioning. And a slight blue lighting effect trying to reflect the old Halo classic. The only thing I would change would be adding the roof like the original had, but I dont think there is enough money left for it.