SOURCE: Gears of War 3 preemptively confirmed for April 2011? - News at GameSpot Bogus or not Bogus? What do you think?
It's probably legit though I personally don't really care as I've never been a fan of the GoW series. Picked up the 2nd one last year, got bored in less than a month and returned it. Most likely passing on Gears 3. Fail on whomever leaked it.
MS slipped, it is real Must have announced it by accident or maybe its for a plan to get hype? Who knows :/
Originally, last night CliffyB was to have been on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon to announce a new project. 11 Hours before he was supposed to be on air, the scedule was cahnged and he is appearing Monday now. They're guessing a Microsoft employee never got the memo and released the Spotlight early.
Was mentioned a while ago. I think it was EDGE that had a reliable source saying that the first trailer would be unveiled April 8, 2010, and the game would be released almost exactly one year later.