Okay, so I have was playing some Hola 3 ODST (lol) firefight with a friend the other day. He was very determined to get recon armour, and thats when it hit me... I haven't played Halo 3 in a while so why not come back to it in style, with Recon Armour! (Cheezy, yes I know...) So today i want to get the Deja Vu and Endure vidmaster achievements in Halo 3 ODST. So does anybody want to help me? I'll definitely help anyone else out who wants to score some vidmaster achievements in ODST. Im currently on XBL, so message me if you want to start this thing up...
Hell yeah, I have only 3 Vidmaster achievements left to complete them all. Im so close I can feel it. when I get enough people willing and skilled enough to join I would want to do the Deja Vu vidmaster first, then the Endure. I still have the lightswitch vidmaster to do, lol. Haven't played Halo in ages...
I need lightswitch, 7 on 7, and Endure. But I'll do Deja Vu again because it was pretty fun! 1000 rockets per person!!! --- Crap.... my Xbox just screwed up! like the guy in the "My Xbox bricked in an unprecedented way" thread....
all i need is endure and the time needed. i can play late fridays but keep in mind it takes a few hours
I think I might be able to help you with Endure on like Saturday/Sunday afternoon. I kinda feel like re-living the moment I had while getting it with Shock, Matty, Cryptokid, and me for one final time before Halo: Reach comes out.
While we're on the topic of halo 3 achievables, anybody wanna strike out those 100k ones if I have the time?
Lol, um sorry guys, Shihuru's road to recon is complete. If you want, I can help you guys with getting those achievements...
looks like I cant help with yo guys' geting those achievements. I gave my friend back his odst. But he gave me Tatsunoku vs Capcom and its pretty damn fun!