Guardian - Gametype Idea

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ObsidianRanger, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. ObsidianRanger

    ObsidianRanger Forerunner

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    Ok, so the other day i thought of a idea for a new gametype. I'm sure anyone here that has played infection has heard of duck hunt. For those that haven't, the zombie is stuck in a box with a sniper rifle, and he tries to snipe the humans/ducks before they get to the end of a multi storied obstacle course, where they get a custom power-up and a rocket launcher or something to kill the zombie with. It is usually done on foundry.

    Anyway, this would be a good gametype for all the halo players that get pissed off by the guardians... oh wait, that's everyone. Any it would be some sort of obstacle course most likely on sandbox. I have thought of three similar, but different ways this could work:

    1. There would be up to three alpha zombies. One would spawn in a tower, one that looks like the towers off sandbox. This zombie would spawn with a spartan laser for killing the zombies with (he would be the main/strongest zombie). The next zombie would spawn on a floating platform above the course, with a teleporter to another floating platform lower down. There would be infinite trip mines on both platforms. Now, if he drops a trip mine from the top platform (and it doesn't spin while falling down) then it explodes on impact, but if he drops in from the bottom platform, it sets and blows up when a human walks near it (sandtrap). The final zombie, will spawn in a box on the side of the course with a pair of plasma rifles or plasma pistols firing away (snowbound). Everyone has one life, when they die they are out.

    2. Similar to the one above but instead everyone has two lives, and there are many sandbox towers around the outside of the map. When a human is infected, he spawns in a tower with a spartan laser.

    3. Once again, similar to number 1, there is one spartan laser person, one trip miner, and like number 2, once a zombie dies, he becomes a snowbound guardian (plasma rifle/pistol)

    At the end of each of these courses there is a custom power up and probably just a rocket launcher.

    So what do you people think? I'm pretty sure i left something out but i'll edit it if i need to. :)
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have to say its a nice idea (number 1). I reckon this could be quite fun to play on. I say go ahead and make it.
  3. ObsidianRanger

    ObsidianRanger Forerunner

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    Thanks crypto, i do admit i started making a map for it but im gonna have to re-start because it didn't turn out the best aesthetics wise (because i want it to look good aswell) but i guess i did do it in the middle level of sandbox which wasn't the best decision.

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