Thanks everyone for the help, my brother requested I do something other than Halo, so I tryed a dragon and got this: What do you think?
The text in this one is a bit hard to see, it blends in with the bg a bit much, perhaps a darker colour... I am not a fan of the inverted colour scheme. EDIT: I inverted it, and it looks pretty cool... The BG should either flow out from the dragon or in towards it, otherwise the flow of it will draw the eye away from the focal. However you have gotten MUCH better in your placement of the focal, and it looks much better than your previous ones.
I didnt care if it was inverted but my brother said he liked how it looked when it was inverted, so thats what I did. Thanks
you really gotta do better with your text. i mean, keep sayin that you shouldn't use diagonal, complex text. its not very nice.
Did you notice how the signature looked a little better with the downsize. You are progressing! It's trial and error. Try not to get frustrated.