Post your Desk/Gaming Area

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The Bloody Beetroots, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    Yes, post it. Also, tell us what's there. It's an interesting Idea so I'll start.

    1. Xbox360
    2. 32 inch flatscreen
    3. 19 inch flatscreen
    4. 1998 desktop
    5. DirecTV box
    6. 1.5 terabyte Hard Drive
    7. 160 gig hard Drive
    8. ITouch
    9. DS Lite
    10. bunch of cords
    11. capture card
    12. Laptop
    13. 13 inch tv
    14. Transfer Cable
    15. Computer parts
    16. half built computer
    17. sexy posters

    What about you?!
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    #2 Rifte, Apr 9, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2010

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