Cheerleader This is a map of a cheerleaderdoing a split. It is no way playable. This map was made by Soulslayer38(xboxlive gamertag). No credit is given to me. He does not have an account on forge hub and he wanted me to put it on here. Sorry there is not a lot of description of the map but all it has is purple eyes and looks like a cheerleader doing a split.That map may say canvas but my friend just forgot to change the name. Here is the download link:
Erhm...looks sloppy, especially for an aesthetic map. It looks like your friend used a couple of double boxes, a wraith, and two ramps in all. I dont mean to sound rude but this isnt worthy of a dl. Sorry. :/
so why didn't your friend post this again? and it looks like this could have been made in a couple mins.
i personally think its decent. your friend could have interlocked those boxes though to make it look more neater
I think alot of people have became WAY too fussy with map quality. Clearly this map was just supposed to look the way it does and doesn't try to look clean or playable so why moan about it. Interlocking can take forever, and if its not playable why waste your life interlocking? Personally i think it looks pretty cool and even though its prefectly possible to do quickly it still looks good.
You can't even tell it's a cheerleader at all. Interlock some energy bariers to give her blonde hair or something. The hat just looks plain stupid, but then again, aren't cheerleaders?
Use the domes to give her breasts. I can't tell if it's a guy or a girl, rofl. Maybe some pom-poms too, while you're at it.
Way to not help at all. Anyway, it looks a bit sloppy, but you are lucky that some people have a sense of humor.