I've been thinking of how to put a different spin on Infection lately. This is what I came up with. Humans are survivors of some sort of generic, all-consuming disease. They are scattered around a large map (most likely a Sandbox variant with filters), unable to find each other. They would lose their normal waypoints, the ones that we usually use to find our teammates. They can deal no damage, and are only armed with a pistol or a plasma pistol. To compensate for the size of the map, their speed would be increased 25 or 50%, since there would be no vehicles. The zombie take the role of the plague itself. They are faster than the humans (not 300% speed), invisible, and able to deal damage. They would be armed with either swords or shotguns. They would be unable to see the humans, and they too would have to wander around the map in search of victims. Here's where I add a twist. Some scientists in this generic post-apocalyptic world developed a vaccine for this virus. The vaccines take the form a custom powerup, which would allow the humans to fight back, and give themselves invulnerability to the zombies. The custom powerups would, like the people, be scattered around the map. They would be hidden so that they wouldn't be seen in plain sight, unless you happened to wander into a structure to find one. The rounds would be short enough to allow the custom powerup's affects to last for the remainder of the round. Each custom powerup would not respawn, meaning that only a few would survive. This information is subject to change, which is why I'm posting the concept here for input. I realize that if their are only invincible people left, it would get quite boring, so I might simply increase the human's damage resistance. I'm not sure. I was working on the first map about a half an hour ago, and I had just finished one of the structures, only to find that I had 100 custom content items and had to delete some to make room. Thus, the map was lost, and I was sadfaic. CnC please.
Not a bad idea, it has a few flaws but you can always patch these up. The first being the custom power ups cant be randomly placed you have to put them somewhere, that means, you know where they spawn, and so will other people. I'd advise putting 4 custom power ups on the map, but make them all Spawn at Start; No and Respawn: 180 then have the round set at 3 minutes long with the run-time minimum of CPU's to either 1 / 2 this would then spawn 2 random CPUs instead of having all 4 in designated locations. People would risk going to get one and in some cases find that there isnt one there. Also the invulnerability would be quite good, because they could still be assassinated seen as though the zombies are invisible this shouldnt be too hard. I think if a player gets the cpu, he should lose his radar. Just a few things like that need to be taken into consideration
Randomnization doesn't work that easily. The same 2 CPs will spawn everytime. While not fool-proof, the best way to randomize a small number of objects is to save and quit everytime you place a CP on no spawn for 180 seconds. When you start the map back up place another CP and repeat the process until you're out of CPs. Next time you start up the map, despite the CPs not supposed to appear they will. Now set the runtime minimum to however many you want to spawn and different ones should spawn everytime. It's not guaranteed, but if you find that the same 2 are spawning everytime simply delete those and try again. The more you screw up the game's thinking, the more likely you'll get the results you want, strangely.
The part in bold is the one I don't quite understand. So, say, if I wanted only two to spawn per round, then I set it the runtime minimum to 2?
Yes, exactly. Then it will vary up who lives and dies, and whether survivors are lucky to spawn near one. I think the places where you put teh customs should be extravagant. What I mean is don't put it in a 1x1 rom made out of walls. Make a real building with hallways and stairs or just a large area where things could be hidden and hide the vaccine away in maybe a semi-secret corridor in the basement. Maybe you can do this: on the roof of a building you knock over a radio antenna on the roof to gain access to a mountain of sorts and inside the mountain is a cave. In the cave is a passeageway leading to a crevice in the wall, and in there lies the vaccine. That could be one, and that would be awesome. Just an overall epic feel for finding these vaccines, not a little hut with a vaccine in the middle but don't make them too hard to find. Another idea along with this is give the player more than 1 way to get to a vaccine, but use the same min-max glitch with the custom powerups as with the paths so you must find more paths to a vaccine if one is not there anymore. Maybe turn on colorblind and use overshields and active camos as "Dummy Vaccines" to trick people when they see it and pick it up, that could be cool. My last idea is civil war. Have the humans fight amongst eachother for the vaccines. here I have 2 different options: 1. Make it so that you don't lose points for betrayals. 2. Make it so you can lose points but by betraying you can get the vaccine faster and gain back points, kinda risk vs. reward. This has potential to be great, I'd like to see where this goes.
Now that sounds kickass right there, I might just edit this map I am creating right now to try this out on. I agree it does have potential and very competitive. Now I don't know if it will work out well with the fact that zombies could easily pick up the vaccine which no one has brought into consideration, maybe make there gravity high and others just at like 100% or something like that. But I will test it, I also just tested to make sure colorblind really does affect the colors of the power ups and the CPU's are a lil brighter than OS and camo but it wouldn't be noticable from far away I don't think.
It could be easily solved by putting the zombies gravity to 300% so they practically cant jump or by putting the power ups in human only reachable places. For example, making an equipment elevator to them and have the zombies not able to collect powerups.
Well, if you choose to release a map for the game type, at least let me make the game type first. Since it was my idea, I'd like to be the one to make the game type. Feel free to test the effects, though. I probably won't get around to making the game type until the weekend. I'll update this thread on the progress.
The only problem with this would really be how to kill an enemy you cannot see. If the zombies cannot see humans as you stated then what would prevent humans from camping in a corner until the round ends, or setting down the controler because it is boring for that matter.
Just to clear up the confusion: Zombies will be faster than humans in order to be able to navigate the terrain more easily, but they will also be unable to see the humans. Humans deal no damage since you can't exactly "kill" a plague, which is what I was going for, until you grab the "vaccine" custom powerup. I should be able to create the gametype tonight, even if I'll have to test it. It should be pretty straight forward. Hopefully. Heh.
So the humans are invisible. Why again are they invisible? Wouldn't that just upset the zombie players who can't really find the humans and have to wait until one with a vaccine comes around to kill them. And I'm guessing the humans will not be figting over the customs because they can't see eachother, right? I don't think I like them being invisible. Though zombies should be a little bit faster than humans, but humans shoudl do very little damage, and give humans low health so that they can fight amongst eachother, but against a zombie they can shoot it but they dont have a chance, they wouldn't have enough ammo to finish it off, and if they do team up on a zombie, either they win because of their comradery or other zombies flank the humans and score some easy overkills. This is the last thing I'll contribute for a week, going off to Florida. I hope to come back and be ready to test this with you all! good luck.
Ok.. it seems everyones confused everyone and even the game creator has confused himself. This is what i've got. The zombies run faster The zombies are invisible The humans cannot kill anything because the zombies are an invisible plague. The humans get a "vaccine" and can thus kill the deadly bacteria (the invisible zombies) This is what i think: I dont really like the idea of humans not being able to do any damage, and quite frankly theyre left defenceless against the zombies. Its toooo one sided like all infection games. The key is to make a balance so its fun for both sides. Humans should be able to do damage, but shouldnt kill each other. They should have to unite against the infection, as this is what would probably happen on Z-day xD CPU traits would be better as No Radar, 2x overshields 150% Damage Resistance 200% damage, 75% Speed. This means that the vaccinated player then is vulnerable from behind, as he has no radar. Thus the normal players would need to stick by and say "THERES ONE BEHIND YOU ON MY RADAR!" seen as though the invulnerable players are still killable via assassination / splatter / death fall. The other traits are just to make it more of a bonus for the player who collects the vaccination. So even the worst players in the game still have a good chance at surviving. Scoring would probably work best if the most points are retrieved by surviving the round (if possible not sure with infection) and the players receive 10 points, then they can receive 2 points for every infection they kill. The infected on the other hand receive 5 points for every infection.
He stated that zombies will not be able to see humans twice. I believe at this point that such is true.
Yeah, I noticed that he said that... I think we should like all make our own gametypes or something, because it's obvious we can't settle on one. I do not see the point in have humans invisible because, it really doesn't make much sense. As for what steven put about the humans not being against each other, than it would not be so much different from any other zombie games. I was thinking of it being like a civil war as stated earlier, everyone for themselves... unless you want to form an alliance with 1 or more people, people can betray in their alliance, or fight against zombies and other alliances. Have something like 10 points for kill per person, and like 2 or 3 kills for zombies. Make zombies either invis or poor camo to make it some like a real virus because you can't see germs in the air but you can see someone caughing which you back away from(idk if that makes any sense to others). Still have the custom power up as the vaccine and have other power ups and colorblind so you can't tell which power up is which. The camo and OS would be like antivirus drugs or something like that, they are not long term but help you safe for a little while. Thoughts and ideas on how this sounds?
Okay, okay. Enough with the arguing. When I said that the zombies would "be unable to see the humans," I meant that the humans would not have waypoints over their heads. The map is large, so I thought that I'd clarify it. Instead, I only caused more confusion.
I am beginning to understand what you have in mind for this gametype but could you give it a more systematic approach that might be easier to fully understand. Spoiler Alpha zombie traits: Health: Damage: Speed: Gravity: Primary Weapon: ... Something else random I thought of is that you could give points for betrayals (killing other humans as a human) to make it more chaotic, and take some pressure of the initial zombie as other people will also be distracted. Possibly two or three points for killing a zombie and one point for betrayals.
On the points thing, I stated that earlier. Maybe i was a lil out there with 10 points for betrayal and 3 points for zombies, but this will have to be moved around a lil bit in testing. As will the zombie and human traits will. Everything is subject to change but I think everyone, if not the majority of the people think that so far there will be: Gametype: CIVIL WAR Spoiler Betrayal: ON Points for betrayal: +1 Points for zombie kill: +2, +3(not sure yet) Points for kill as zombie: +5(these won't be as frequent so this is what I am thinking? maybe people have other ideas) Initial zombie count: 1 or 25% Humans traits: Spoiler Shields and health Sheilds: 2x(I think it would be best since humans are going against zombies AND other humans there should be shields to help against zombie attacks) Damage resistance: 100% Shield Recharge rate: 50%,90%,or 100%(testing will see) Shield Vamp:disabled Immune to headshots: enabled Damage Modifier: 100% (maybe 200% to compensate when going against other humans with higher shields) Weapons and damage Weapon Pickup: YES Primary weapon: SMG Secondary weapon: Magnum Grenade Count:Unchanged Grenade Regen: Disabled Inf ammo: Disabled Movement Speed:100% Gravity:150%(to get traits that zombies can't. It's low though so it they can't get to places that zombies can't) Vehicle Use: Kind of debating on this. I don't know how over powering they would be. It would promote multiple alliances forming kinda of but could be overpower against zombies maybe. Sensors Motion Tracker Mode: Allies only(due to the fact that you can not see a disease until it has struck) Motion Tracker Range: 10 meters(to simulate that it is you hearing a person) Appearance Active camo: Off Waypoint: No waypoint Forced Color: Off Zombie traits(alpha and regular will be the same) Spoiler Shield and health Will have to test, but I am thinking around 2-3 headshots with br. Weapons and damage 2 hits on a human with max health (testing required) Primary: Sword Secondary: None Grenade: None Inf ammo: enabled weapon pickup: Disabled Movement Speed: 125% sounds ideal Gravity: 200%(read humans gravity to understand why) Vehicle use: None Sensors Motion tracker Mode: OFF(to help lessen the chances of betrayals on other zombies because i'm not sure if you get betrayal points as a zombie) Appearance Active camo:Good camo or poor camo(testing to see which fits) Waypoint: None Color: Black Custom power up Spoiler Duration: 10 seconds Shields and health Damage resistance: 500%(there's no vaccine for bullets so this will suit the best I believe) Shield multi: 2x ALL OTHERS ARE UNCHANGED Weapons unchanged Movement unchanged Sensors unchanged Appearance unchanged
Only thing you guys arent taking into consideration is when two people on the same team are fighting against each other.. There is NO bullet magnetism, meaning its just random luck who gets the betrayel. You can both run at each other and melee, and 9/10 times its just gonna be either one person punches the other or no1 hits each other at all..