Betraying the Betrayer

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by IH8YourGamerTag, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    Betraying the Betrayer Everyone's been betrayed in Halo, or other games. There are times its accidental, times when you're not quite sure what happened... then there are those times that its downright malicious. I'm wondering how many people retaliate, because I know I do.

    Example - I see a teammate pick up a sniper rifle I was going for. I turn around to head in another direction, when I see another teammate BRing him, and I shotgun him in the back. Hilarious? justified? sinking to their level?

    I know this one will probably get closed by I'm curious to hear some good betray the betrayer stories.

    Yeah, its not really a debate, so i moved it
  2. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    -_- You probably should've let the mods move it, but oh well.

    If someone starts to piss me off, I definantly betray them. I was playing a game of 1 bomb on valhalla, and every time I took the sniper, a guy would always try to kill me. He never did, because trying to betray with the AR is not very effective, but it got on my nerves. After I couldn't take it anymore, I swiftly turned around and no-scoped the *****. I felt a lot better, until I was booted. :mad:

    And that's why I don't play matchmaking.
  3. Unfair Teamz

    Unfair Teamz Ancient

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    Hey they started this war and I intend to finish it.

    In WaW Hardcore Search, my friend would ALWAYS betray me. So I took revenge by blowing him up with the bazooka every game. Oh, we betrayed each other for a long long time. It was the Betrayal War of the Ages.
    There are many stories but that one was the most fun
  4. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Let them kill me, then Boot them.
  5. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm the kind of guy that starts these crazy betrayal sprees on action sack... lol, I prolly have more betrayals than actual kills.
  6. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Usually I betray someone, they get pissed off and betray me. Then I continuously take down their shields (or hit them after and enemy takes down their shields) and wait to get betrayed again. Then I boot them cause I am a ***.
  7. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I like to piss people off by shooting them once we spawn or hitting them in the back once, but never betray. Sometimes I do betray, for instance there was this one guy on Valhalla who couldn't snipe for ****, and all he did that round was ***** the sniper rifle and get like 2-3 kills. Half into the game I got pissed off and went into the base to check if it was there. To my luck, the guy already got it. I emptied my AR into him and messed with him until he shot and killed me. Of course, we lost the game.
  8. Lekgolo123

    Lekgolo123 Forerunner

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    For me it's "an eye for an eye", if a guy assassinates me, I do the same to him, if a guy takes out my shields or kills me, I do the exact same to me.
  9. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    If im a **** mood i go on a rampage killing anyone in sight team or enemies....i do this a ton in grifball, people are too serious about grifball. But in a regular matchmaking game i never betray a guy for a weapon unless they suck and are already hurt by an enemy....that usually pisses them off.

    If someone betrays me i shoot them to the point where they betray me and i boot them...or i follow them around constantly keeping them 1 shot or if they get hurt by an enemy i finish them off.

    Im a complete **** on halo if someone pisses me off.
  10. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ditto lol,
    I usually just snipe their shields down just before they run out into battle so they get pwned so they start to betray me and i just kick them :)

    I also try and betray B3NW whenever I can as he is very verrrryy good at stealing the last kill to complete an overkill extermination for me (i've probably played around 50 custom games with him and a few social, and hes done this 4 times to me) DAMN YOU BEN!

    Yeah sticky nades are always a nice retalliation tool followed by a swift teabag
  11. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    I hate betrayers.. I remember two or three times I have been one or two kills of a perfection, coming towards the end of a game, and then some **** from my team comes up with a rocket launcher and does me one up the backside. I still haven't managed a perfection, and usually these betrayals are on purpose.
  12. alextrer

    alextrer Ancient
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    i remember one game where the whole team(clan) started betraing me.i was playing capture the flag,a game i never played of i thought that i coudln´t boot them since they betrayed so much without a message coming i thought they could not boot me too... i started betraing them and... i got booted.:( jesus christ they betrayed me 10 times!!!hackers!thats why i only play lone wolves from now on... or another time a gay *** started betraing everyone on i hat that game too!though i acept i´ve betrayed too for fun when i was a noob.)

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