This map was designed for slayer 2-12 players. Its got A medium size hallway running down the length of the map and it's got a tiny hallway running down the other. There is shotgun and sniper below. Rocket sits in the middle all power weapons are set to spawn every 120sec. The humps are inspired by the movie starship troopers. The part where there training and dude gets his head blown off.
this is a very original design. the hallways to me though ared a bit too narrow and the floor looks a bit bumpy. i'll download to see what it's like but it also seems like some of it is too cramped up. I have never seen a map like this. some of it is too open and some is too cramped. 3/5
Congratulations, good sir! You've just rated a map without ever playing it. Your mother must be proud. The map seems to have a very good concept (Power weapons in the main area, sneaky paths along the side), and it looks silky smooth. I myself have yet to get a game going (What with that darn Modern Warfare), but I'll get back to you with a real rating as soon as I've played it.
Thanks for the comments i really think you should just play play it is really fun. Thanks for the comments. All my maps are posted in the map database unfortunately I just figured out the forums are the place to put your maps so you will see alot more maps from me thanks again.
1. I was getting back to him when i finish playing it. i was giving him preliminary advice 2. don't be hypocritical. if you have nothing good to say then don't say it. 3. YOU haven't played it so why should you be able to give him feedback and i can't. that is unfair. p.s. My mother passed away 3 years ago *****. As for the map itself it played prett well 3v3 but othere then that it was to closed in and close quarters. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW...
Congratulations good sir, you just made me start Rolling on the floor laughing!!! Kilenum, don't you just love it when they argue over who has played your map more. I played a 3v3! OH YEA! I just played it with 16 guys. Unfair! the map says a max of 8 people! Now on to the map.... Looks good. The biggest plus has to be the outside/inside environment you have created. The only problem is I don't see how people can play in the inside or the outside without having lousy battles. The lines of site and lack of protection makes this map's game-play.....well....anyways the map is an interesting idea. You might be able to fix some of the issues with a unique game-type that makes the map work, if this is true then take back what I said and put this map in another forum that better suits it (casual perhaps). p.s. I hope the fight continues (I watch with interest)
Hahaha ladies, ladies, one at a time... On to the map- the camo hallway is too cramped for me, as I like a little wiggle room. Also, I like games with long LoS weapons, it only worked for up to 3v3. It is so hard to get a spree on this if you don't have a team with you in the open. The columns and slanted ceiling make those hallways REALLY cramped as well, which ruins BR and Snipe fights. Just sayin. It looks nice though, and is very original- simply not my style.
I like those humps, I have yet to play a match on it but it looks great. That hallway is a bit too small for my liking but I'll give it a download and take a gander properly.
it's not that difficult to tell whether a map is good or not without actually playing on it. And usually when a hallway looks cramped, it is. and i agree with him. very original, although i personally rate this map 5/5, but the main area is WAY too open, and the halls would make me feel claustrophobic. but other than that, very nice
I thank you for all your comments. i would say to each his own to most of these comments. yes the hallways are very, very small but i think that adds to the originality of it. Also you would think cause i have a map named versatile there would be some kind of block on that name but a guess not. Very cool though