Dragon's Lair Created by Ursus the Grim f.k.a. Stahldrache An ancient map I've dredged up for you guys to tear apart before I resurrect it in Forge. Map Used: Foundry Supported Gametypes: Assault (One Bomb) Capture the Flag (Multi-Flag) Infection Juggernaut King of the Hill Oddball VIP Story: During the invasion of Earth, a lone Sangheili Ultra found himself the lone survivor of a costly battle between Sangheili and Humans and Jiralnahae alike. Driven mad by the event, he hoarded all the weapons and created a small fortress in an abandoned facility, denying access time and time again to many ground forces. One German soldier gave him the nickname "Stahldrache", meaning Steel Dragon, on account of his preference for pyrotechnics, explosives, and his habit of hoarding. Eventually, he was ignored as more attention was needed to combat the Flood. Description: ((Thread is currently being adjusted.)) This is a very old map. I think I actually finished it back in November of 2005. I know its a far cry from perfect, so I never posted it to the Hub. But I've been considering recreating it on Sandbox, as this has been considered my signature map. It has not been noticeably altered since its initial creation. My thought process was that I'd create a mini-fort that would become the focus of the action on the map. He who held the peak would have an advantage against those below, but it would be counteracted by the combined aggression of his enemies seeking to knock him off his lofty perch. You'll notice an excess of Power Weapons. I intended it that way. This is a map of choices. Do I risk investigating the cave at the foot of the mountain? Do I go for the Chopper? Do I use my grav lift to access the Spartan Laser or as a shortcut to the peak? Do I hang back and snipe from the relative safety of my base or do I snag a mongoose and try to make it to the mountain? This map has only been playtested with small parties of four to six. Free-for-all is recommended. Team Slayer may be a massacre depending on team size and skill. You will notice many of the Forging 101 checklists empty. I am aware of this, but this was done before I was aware of any of those techniques, and to update it now would defeat the purpose. Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] : Instant Respawn [ ___ ] : Immovable Objects [ ___ ] : Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] : Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ ___ ] : Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] : Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] : Unlimited Budget Glitch
Interlocking Interlocking Interlocking Interlocking...... OK I think I have made my point. The basic structure that creates a flow to your map is good and I would keep if I were you. But Honestly, this is the only thing, which I can see that your map has. Right now, your map is just the bare bones, what your map lacks is ornament and aesthetic looks, which could make the map more original and keep it from being bland. The only way your are going to do this is through the most mighty and holy tool of forge: INTERLOCKING.
Thanks for the input. I figured. I have since learned to interlock and plan to use it thoroughly when I build it from the ground up in Sandbox. But this was created back in December of 2007, before TDF's invaluable tutorial was given to us. This is not to say that I think "Lol, your criticisms fail because this is so old." Merely I seek to explain its shortcomings. I am glad you found the flow to be acceptable, despite the number of Power Weapons that I know people will take issue with. This is something I really want to retain when I port it to Sandbox.
Hey welcome to FH! I can see you're newish to forge so I will reffer you to YouTube- Bl00D F1R3's Forge School 1 - Merging, their really the best video tuts around and they guide you through the basics, and some of the more advanced stuff. Thats the first one theirs 10 in total. OK I also want to say that OldSchool is completely wrong about merging and ignore him on that point (I don't mean to be mean but he is, cwatididthar), anyway it is entirely possible to make great maps without any form of merging, I would just advise you not to try. Focus more on gameplay using merging only when it will improve gameplay and to occasionally touch up on aesthetics. I now reffer you to the forging 101 section there's written tuts in there that can teach you how to improve gameplay. I think that if you watch/read through the tuts in the links provided you will understand whats wrong with you're map, it lacks many things 9e.g Cover!! ) I suggest if you are to remake this map on sandbox restart the map using only the idea this map creates. I would say more but i think my wall of text is enough for now message me on xbl of you want me to go through you're map with you and give you some tips on how to improve it, although i stick with my previous statment.
its a great idea and i love the layout of the mountain. i have no problem with that many power weapons as long as they are not all right next to the spawn points.when you remake it take your time on merging the first layer of the mountain and use double walls as guides as this is the most important layer because if this is off everything else is off. I am quite annoyed that i dont have sandbox because this, and most of the best maps are on it.
I plan on merging the first layer out of necessity. The Chopper sanctuary in the back would be best replicated with tube pieces, which don't really line up perfectly with double blocks. Foundry has its advantages, otherwise no one would use it anymore. Sometimes things get overwhelming on Sandbox, and really you normally start off with nothing. Foundry has some sort of map geometry to get a fresh start going. But I suppose if you've held out this long, you can make it to reach. So far I need to add more cover, merging, and I know I need to rework my spawns for everything.