Hello everybody! I'd like to present you my map called "Derby X-TREME 3". But first... What the hell is Derby? Well, this Derby is about carnage. With Choppers. You start upon a few crates (the spawn area) and each side has 2 Choppers. The spawn areas are covered and you can teleport back upside (if you spawn underneath the boxes what sometimes happens). If you're in a chopper, you can just straight forward jump off the crates and get into the action. The battle field fits up to 4 choppers and maximum 4 "normal player" without choppers. In the middle, there is a little building I call "the hill". The hill has three stages, each stage has one weapon. At the bottom there is a power absorber which respawn within 3 minutes. The first stage has a rocket launcher which also respawn within 3 minutes. And at the top of the hill, upon a few barrels, there is ONE gravity hammer that doesnt respawn. The walls are covered with some bridges, so that you can drive around without crashing on the walls all the time. There is also one gravity lift per side, upon a few crates. And some fusion coils are hanging around, waiting for you to crash in. The map has to be played with my gametype "Derby". Otherwise it won't work. Players do NO damage. Except with the chopper of course. So the only way to kill is by driving over people. Assassinations will be blessed with a penaulty of -1. Don't do that. Santa Claus is watching. Yeah, that's it I think. Here are some screenshots; Spawn - drive - jump Overview 1 Overview 2 Download Map Download Gametype (Pleas bear with my English, I come from Switzerland )
Well the middle part of the map is awesome. i like how you can knock the barrels down and still keep going. I do have somethings I would like to mention. - Interlock the fence walls on the middle portion of the center peice - I know its hard and frustrating but try mearging the bridges into the ground and walls - For good looks (this is just a suggestion) turn the double boxes, bottoms, to the map so that the flat surfaces are facing you when your driving around That sums up what I saw wrong. Other then that it seems like a good map to just screw around on.
Thank you very much for your suggestions I will try to merge those things you mentioned. Good thing these are just cosmetical changes, and that you like the gameplay