
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by v0ltecpr0, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. v0ltecpr0

    v0ltecpr0 Forerunner

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    You might be familiar with the map blow up the bridge on foundry? well this is the same concept (sorry for not being original) but then on sandbox. Its a large house with a roof, and 2 floors. There are all kinds of heavy weapons in there and the only way to get there is by walkin over the bridge. Your job is to keep the bridge broken dont let the pallets spawn or the FAT kid will walk across it.

    Lets just go to the pictures shall we :)
    This is the entrance of the house, you spawn with a bruteshot so use it to get the bridge down as soon as you are in the house.
    This is one of the 2 floors, all kinda heavy weapons like rocket launchers, spartan lasers, beam rifles, trip mines and so on!
    There are mongooses which can be driven by the zombies (not the alpha zombie), They can be used to bring the alpha zombie to the house, just get him on the back of the mongoose and drive you way into the house!
    Its hard to keep the bridge broken and defend yourself from the fast zombies!

    Well thats it, thats the whole map. You also need the gametype FAT kid to play on this map. Its a fun map especially with a lot of people i would recommend about 8-16 players.

    Well have a great time playin on my map you guys :) dont forget to download!
    Download : Bridgetacular
    Download : FAT kid
  2. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
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    Very good. I have not seen this concept before but is a very, very good idea for a game. I expect this is an improvement of the last map supporting this gametype as it looks well made with some nice merging. I'm thinking however, that the inside of the house could maybe be a bit more detailed because the scale of the map would leave you more than enough blocks. I know this would attract more people to this map which I think a game like this deserves. I have played some 'Pallet Platform' based games like 'Termite' if you've heard of the game. In this game, even when the pallets were destroyed, you could kind of cheat by jumping on the remains of the broken pallets. Are you able to do this with this bridge? just like your other map 7/10 very good job, keep up the good forging!
  3. v0ltecpr0

    v0ltecpr0 Forerunner

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    Yeah you can jump on the remains of the pallet, only for the alpha zombie its kinda hard cuz hes really slow and hes very heavy so he probably wont even make it to the remains :p, but its possible as human ive doen it a thousand times
  4. Kealan 02

    Kealan 02 Ancient
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    To describe this map in one word, the first word that comes to mind is...


    Fat Kid, extremely slow, no jump height, and only one way to get to the humans. That one way to get the humans is destructible. Humans spawn, humans destroy bridge, Humans laugh at fat kid, bridge spawns, humans destroy it, humans laugh at Fat Kid. No one will get infected because the Fat Kid can't get anyone. Fat Kid quits, new round starts, and the process repeats.

    It's the same with every Fat Kid game. Even if the Fat Kid does make it into the house, the humans will jump off, the fat kid will follow, the humans will run back into the base and destroy the bridge.

    Now I'm done telling you whats wrong, I'll try to help you fix it.
    1. Don't let the Humans spawn with brute shots. They should spawn only with Pistol/Ar/Br. They then have to pick up weapons to destroy the bridge.
    Why - This gives the zombie a chance at the start to get at least on kill or get inside the house

    2. Limit the ammo. Turn off unlimited ammo (If it's on) and set every weapon in the base to never respawn
    Why - This increases the chance of the zombie getting into the base eventually, when the humans run low on explosives to destroy the bridge

    3. Add a second way up. I'm guessing there are no palates left to make a second bridge, so maybe after a certain time a second bridge of destructible/moveable objects will spawn, giving the fat kid another way in, and the humans another bridge they have to defend. Or use a gravity lift on short respawn time (20-30 seconds) That can lift a zombie onto a platform with a non destructible bridge.

    4. Give the Fat Kid normal jump height (100%) so that he might be able to jump on broken pallet pieces or head jump off a friendly zombie to get in through some of the lower windows.

    I hope some of this will help. Some people like Fat Kid games, but nobody wants to be the Fat Kid. You have to make them want to be that Fat Kid.
  5. v0ltecpr0

    v0ltecpr0 Forerunner

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    i know thats probably gonna happen but you should look how many dumbasses will try to assasinate the fatkid, 80% of all halo 3 players cant wait 1 min to kill him and those will jump down and get pwned. Also theres set a time limit of 4 mins i think .. so if know one gets infected it doesnt matter round will end anyway
  6. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    This is where the Fat Kid games all share a common failure. Out of all the Fat Kid games I have played, I think I manage to successfully assassinate him 3 out of 4 times. Then it devolves into spawncamping him, standing behind were he pops in with my thumb hovering over the B button.

    It seems the secondary zombies have extra ways in. This might make the gametype more fair and interesting, if the Fat Kid ever managed to snag someone.
  7. v0ltecpr0

    v0ltecpr0 Forerunner

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    ive tested this a couple of times and indeed sometimes the fat kid is retarded and get assasinated. But well spawnkilling is really hard he does have multiple spawns so thats not gonna happen ;)
  8. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Oh no! Fat kid. Not much of a fan of Fat kid, with obvious reasons. Its just terrible that humans can just wait for the rockets to spawn then instantly destroy the bridge. Camping, spawn killing, and spawn trapping is what I can see thats going to happen.
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Don't see the point of doing a remake on sandbox if you're not adding something significant to the game play. Why download a map when there's still people that don't have Sandbox and you can play pretty much the same crappy game on Foundry? I mean this map has everything that infection maps shouldn't have... MG turrets, huge weapon caches, and probably worst of all... 1-hit kill zombies.
  10. falcan125

    falcan125 Ancient

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    the blow up the bridge on foundary is the most **** map ive ever seen due to camping 1 hit kill easy to cheat people blowing up the bridge be4 every one is in the building

    and now theres the same **** on sandbox?????

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