
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by thecairocat, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. thecairocat

    thecairocat Ancient
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    A lazy inspection of this freighter's biohazard shipment proved fatal for its' unfortunate crew...

    "The way zombie maps should be made...another great infection map" - cory21 (Demon)

    "Dude this is really cool" - The Moran (Demon)

    "Omigod win win win. This might actually get me to play Halo 3 again..." - Flameblad3 (Demon)

    "Oh my god, there's a f**kin' zombie on the f**kin' roof! ****, run!" - MeNaCe x TIGER (Askar)


    Welcome to Cargo, here's the deal. We've got Shotguns by the door and grenades by the hull. There's some heavy weaponry in the crates up top, but they need to open up before we can grab 'em. Now, in about 10 seconds, this ship's gonna be swarmin' with zombies, so getcha guns and get to ya' places, it's gonna get messy in here.

    Verbal Intro
    Not as scary as pics.​

    Hi, this is Cargo. The brainchild of too many horror movies, a lot of time with the Xbox, and dedication to make a map that was REALLY DAMN SCARY. I think I've achieved that goal, but you can tell from the pics below. As you'll see I added some film grain, but it's nothing to get in a 'FAKE AND GAY!' fit over, because other than that it's pretty untouched (aside from some eyes). The premise of Cargo is zombies boarding a freighter ship in the middle of nowhere and working their way into the depths of the ship. They launch off man cannons and prowl the cargo deck. Humans must hide and eventually die, run out there guns blazing and eventually die, or go down to the bottom decks where no zombie will ever follow and get so freaked out you'll quit and die. So pretty much death all around, but that's infection, isn't it? This map plays with a special gametype called Boarding, so the map and game are posted below. You can see more in the pics though... if you DARE!!!

    All the Hotspots
    A Guided tour by cairocat (R.I.P.)​

    Ok, here's where the zombies spawn, they've got two platforms on either side of the ship where they board. They don't get these Man Cannons for 10 seconds so humans can prepare.

    Weeee! The man cannons hurl zombies onto the sides of the main deck near the middle, though one sets 'em right on top.


    There's a whole lot of 'Cargo' on the main decks, filled with guns n' crap, but you can climb to the top here for a decent yet exposed vantage point.


    Ok, this is the cabin, it's the human spawn. It's semi-enclosed but way cramped and not nearly strong enough for a hideout. From here you can go out on deck, down below, or up to the roof, it's your pick.


    Now here's the belowdecks. Apparently Imageshack was so scared they didn't even upload the image right but I'll explain. It's straightforward, semi-campable, and's got only two entrances. Sound great, right? Wrong, this place is scary as f**k and you will NOT wanna be spendin' your time down here... WTF WAS THAT!?!


    Fine, I guess I've gotta go down there, for the tour's sake. I made this map and I almost crap myself just standing around here. The only light is from the exits, and it is creepy ****!

    Well, that concludes the tour. Now if you don't mind I'm gonna get the hell outta the dar- what the hell? HOLY **** RUN! OH MY GOD WHAT THE F**K IS THAT THING!!! DUDE, RU- aaaggggghhhh!!



    #1 thecairocat, Mar 22, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2010
  2. BigdogII7

    BigdogII7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    omg this map is awesome.

    post pics, a download link, or at the very least a map!
  3. MontageMedia

    MontageMedia Ancient

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    Patience is a virtue young one. Lol, he said he is posting the rest soon. So hold on.
  4. thecairocat

    thecairocat Ancient
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    Aaaaannnndddd... WE'RE UP! Thanks for the patience guys, but wait no longer.
    Get it Now!
  5. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    Omigod win win win. This might actually get me to play Halo 3 again...

    Seriously, I love Infection, and this looks look a good, scary map (the only scary one I've ever seen, apart from my friend's, which sucked so much it was scary).

    Imma dl tomorrow tho, I'ts late over here.
  6. Jack Skellington

    Jack Skellington Forerunner

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    Looks like a great map. Looks like you add great effects to this map. My only complaint is you should like add more pictures to show how big it really is. I will download it and comment for rest of it, great job! 9/10!
  7. thecairocat

    thecairocat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wait, so you took 10% off the map for not enough pics? Explain your rating please.
  8. SuperFastBlast

    SuperFastBlast Ancient
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    Looks awsome i will down load havent seen a scary infection map yet Untill now lol
  9. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Somewhere in one of my map posts you mentioned something about criticizing someone above your forging capabilities, and there I must disagree.
    This map is very nicely forged.
    I don't think you accomplished the horror feeling as well as you'd hoped but it has great atmosphere for a zombie killing spree.
    The middle level of the ship is my favorite because it actually feels like a boat to me somehow. Not even the top level feels as much like a boat as the middle. Don't ask me why, but as a result I stayed around there most often because in my opinion it does have a rather creepy atmosphere.
    To me, cramped, dark storage spaces and such are ideal for zombie levels because they instill fear in the player that something could pop out of nowhere and eat their head.
    You could have better accomplished this feel by not allowing the humans to be on top of the structures at the top forcing them to be wary of attack from above and around any corner.
    Giving the zombies this advantage would make up for the fact that they die very easily and it would also naturally encourage humans to move to the lower deck which I feel gets a lot less attention than it deserves.
    There are some problems I'd like to address however:
    I don't know if this is intentional, but the gravity lift up to the top of the boat doesn't respawn for a good while if it's destroyed only giving the zombies one inviable way to the top.
    Also, the man cannons that aren't angled from the zombie spawn often send the zombies clear over the map and into oblivion.
    Lastly, the lowest point of the map (depicted with little glowing eyes in your post) does not spawn for 30 seconds into the round.
    All of these issues are really simple fixes so it shouldn't be a problem.
    Overall you have a nice map here and I give you +6 kudos. Take that! muh ha ha ha.
  10. Vampir Krieger

    Vampir Krieger Ancient
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    The map itself looks fine, just try posting some pictures without the effects that you added on the computer. Such as the film grain and vignette.

    Like I said, the map looks pretty clean, but the edited screenshots don't do it justice.

    As a side note, you may want to consider taking off the FX filter on the actual map as well.
  11. guitariplay

    guitariplay Ancient
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    I downloaded this and the basement is one small room. map sux. good idea. bad visual
  12. thecairocat

    thecairocat Ancient
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    I read this and the review is one small sentence. post sux. good idea. bad writing
  13. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I read this and and post is just one small complaint. you sux. good idea. bad execution.

    Seriously? you dont need to work up a fit about every little post that isnt even up to standards, just ignore it dude, some people are just nott going to like the map... period.
    cant believe i stopped watching chobits and inuyasha to day to go on forgehub and see this kind of this. all in all this is a good idea i just dont like the filters you used, they dont agree with my eyesight. so... concept: 4/5, execution: 3/5.

    p.s. trying to make a scary map on halo just isnt possible.

    p.s.s. it really shouldnt matter what rank on forgehub the people you quoted are, so why do you have (demon) next to them? seriously, its petty and doesnt earn you any attention
    #13 Aschur, Sep 1, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2010
  14. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    agreed, if you can not present any constructive criticism-move on to the next thread.
    The map is well forged, and if the filter presents a problem turn up the brightness on your tv. Good job overall
  15. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Since you did bump this from almost 5 months ago did you at least fix the issues I pointed out?

    and grim, why wouldn't they just go delete the filter in forge? lol
  16. Prophet of Fun

    Prophet of Fun Ancient
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    Wow, I vaguely remember working on this map... lol where are my royalties, Cairo?!

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