Sandbox Dune Town

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Orange Soda King, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. Orange Soda King

    Senior Member

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    My first map, and I probably need to revise it, but here you go! Dune Town is set on the surface level of Sandbox, and makes for a good Slayer and Capture the Flag map. It's semi-symettrical, and I put some high places that aren't easily accessible. (My High Impact Halo bros could probably get there in no time though!)

    Here's the video walkthrough with my voice: YouTube- Dune Town (My First Map)

    But I think I have to post screenshots too, so here are some screenshots too.


    Armored Gauss Warthogs: Drive slowly or else the armor will fall off. Since there are no anti-vehicular weapons on here, it makes the warthogs a little more powerful/important, and it makes the turrets a little more important too. (Drivers and passengers are invulnerable to snipers, by the way!)


    Exterior of one of the bases: First person turrets!


    Main structure: On top of it is active camo, and under it is a shotgun.

    Two sniper towers: One is a chute, and the other is accessible by a double-grav lift. Both have plasma nades and a sniper rifle on top.


    Three small structures: Bottom one has a BR on the side of it, the middle one has a Mauler, and the smaller top one has a bubble shield in the middle of it.


    Two small structures (other side): Left one has Mauler under it and a Power Drain and BR on top. Right one has grenades and an SMG.


    Side turrets: These turrets on the side (also first person) divide the map in half the other way (not base to base) to maybe put a twist in things.


    High places!: A little hommage to Halo 2, there are some high places that are NOT bungieblocked by invisible or death barriers. Have fun getting up there! Shouldn't be too hard.


    Overall view: Enjoy!


    Download Link: : Halo 3 File Details#
    #1 Orange Soda King, Apr 4, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2010
  2. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    I like the idea of this map a lot. You need to clean it up a bit, like merging more things together. This eliminates random grenades disappearing and makes it neater. I would first start off by interlocking the ramps (third pic.) and the wall corner (this into the columns). Next in the 5th pic you should interlock the blocks to make it smoother and no bumps. Bumps make it hard during BR battles. I like the structures you put for example the 6th and 7th pic. They look nice and i dont think they need interlocking. For your first map its pretty good. I would see Forging 101 just so you can enhance your skills. Good luck and keep forging!
  3. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    The map looks very good overall, and it looks like it would play well. The only things you lack are merging and consistency in your structures. It looks like you built random structures. It looks better when most of your structures have a distinguishable consistency between them and they're not all bizarrely different.
  4. Ferocious Leaf

    Ferocious Leaf Ancient

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    well, since you basically just turned a gauss hog into a tank, and have no anti vehichle weapons, whoever gets the warthog wins, as long as they can keep an eye on the sniper. maybe put a lazer on the map to make it a little easier to take down the hog, because even eithout armor that could be a big challenge without any anti-vehichle weapons. and what do you mean by "first person turrets"?
    #4 Ferocious Leaf, Apr 4, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2010
  5. Zapzap09

    Zapzap09 Ancient

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    The armored Gauss was a horrible idea, no offense intended. You take arguably the most effective and overpowered weapon in the game and place shields all around it. With no anti-vehicle weapons, how did you expect to destroy the Gauss? The gameplay would drop down to zero if this isn't fixed, as it creates an unfair, and ultimately un-fun environment for everyone. That aside, the map is really creative. You need to get some prespective and asthetic points fixed, but the main creation is very nice.

    Just kill that Gauss!!
  6. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    What they are is when you are in them you view it as you would in first person. By putting an object above where the camera would be it forces it down to the player making it first person.
  7. Orange Soda King

    Senior Member

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    Mongoose, I made different structures because I was afraid of the map being a little monotonous (plus I only have so many of each item type). Do you think it would be better with the same structures on each side? Personally, I wanted the overall map to be symetrical, but not literally symetrical. But if that would make it better, I'll try it out when I get a chance.

    blackandblutoo is correct. When you get on the turrets, it is like a first person view instead of the usual third person view.

    Ferocious Leaf and Zapzap90, I thought since there were enough pieces of cover to hide behind it wouldn't be hard to chuck a grenade since the Warthog is slower (unless they speed up and shuck off the armor).

    Oh wow, I didn't think of people speeding up and shucking off the armor. Yeah, you're right. I'll go back and make a laser, and also some spiky grenades in case they decide to keep the shields on (it's not as hard to hit a slow moving target if you're close, and with the various structures, you can hide from it fairly easily).

    Finally, if it helps anything, there are two Gauss Warthogs (one on each side) so it's like each side has a tank. I would have used normal Warthogs, but the turrets don't seem to shoot with the barricades on them. (I'll try again to see if they do. If they do, I'll change them.)

    Thank you for all the encouraging feedback, guys!
  8. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    On the plus side, I really like the center structure. Some cleaner forging would be nice, but it was nothing gamebreaking, in my experience.

    In regards to the overpowered hog issue, cover really doesn't help as much as you'd think. The hogs normally just outlast the infantry. Noone will poke their head out with a Gauss on the prowl, and the hogs just need one shot for a kill. The standard hogs might work better, so I look forward to seeing how the change influences the map.
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    In general the map seems too empty. Try removing some of the asthetic pieces and using them instead to make gameplay better with more structures. Also, although rice buckets are epic in all situations, they generally do not go over too well in competitive gameplay.
  10. Old School

    Old School Forerunner

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    For your first map I have to say well done. You obviously have shown the basic ability to navigate and manipulate objects in forge. On the other hand, I would suggest checking out Forge 101, to get a better handle on some of the basic things you need to make a map good and solid. The major thing that I think your map is missing is flow. It doesn't seem like your map directs players anywhere, but rather a jumble of structures loosely connected. Just keep going and don't be discouraged. With every map you make your skills will improve.
  11. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    The warthogs are going to completely overpower the map until it's just a race to get them first. Also some of the map looks badly forged and out of line (third picture). There's a lot of empty space which will make for spawn killing. Try reading a page on Ghost Merging because it will improve your maps greatly and make forging much more fun for you.

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