Hey there forgehub screenshot community! I just recently joined forgehub because I was fascinated uhm, Since i'm new to this website I probably won't be taken seriously But Hopefully I may be able to get some constructive criticism What do you guys think of these screenies I took? Digital Emerald (Originally Green Raptor) HellJumper Obamanized!
I like them all but I feel that the player on the right hand side of the first image is looking up too far. Also, what's up with the random active sword on the left players leg?
Hahaha I knew someone would point that out, The problem is the invis, When you pull the sword out you don't uhmm.. how do you call this.."Spring" or "Turn" it on, Yea, maybe i should reconsider that, something on the ceiling distracted me Thanks for the reply, you're already making me feel welcome