I just got on holidays so I decided I might make a new MLG map. Only problem is im not sure where to start. When you've just stated forging a map where do you start? -Bases? -The middle? -The sides? -Random crap that could go anywhere?
Yeah, I suggest you sketch the basic layout on paper, then properly design it in Sketchup, and finally build the map. This way seems to work the best for most Forgers.
Thanks for the ideas but im sort of looking for a good place to just start with some ideas then put it to paper
Start with the concept, how you want it to play. Do you want it to play similar to Guardian, but less standoffish? Like The Pit but with more open LoS? Long range? Short range? Get the defining feature of your map firmly in your head, so your map comes out coherent rather than slapped together. Think of a map you'd want to play on, and the style you want. From there coming up with some basic structures that fit with that style is usually not too hard, and a little creativity will go a long way towards coming up with different structures that can do the job.
If you don't have an overall idea than don't just start throwing around random ideas. It's not how the design process is intended to work.
I prefer the "I think this double box looks good here," then "now lets put some doors on it... yeah, now it's a base," method. :lol: