I heard a rumor, that bungie are remaking marathon now on xbox. Marathon was the series of games bungie made before halo. Marathon is linked to halo. At the end of the credits when you finish halo 3 master chief wakes up, he is then frozen by cortana and there ship floats towards a planet. Some believe this planet is in Marathon. Hopefully the marathon tirliogy will be remade.
Bungie has stated that the halo and marathon universes are seperate. Where did you "hear" this? No pruf no truf
They're completely seperate, but it would be fun running around as MC instead, chasing down Medicant Bias instead of Durandal or something... (never played the marathonz, forgive meh)
It seems like quite a few people are convinced that the Halo universe and the Marathon universe are linked together. I'm rather indifferent on the whole issue, myself. I try not to jump to conclusions about the direction in which games will go unless there's already decent proof aside from hundreds of unfounded rumors.
I wouldn't mind a marathon remake or a continuation, but I would prefer more games firmly rooted in the Haloverse.
I've never played marathon, but I heard that its good. Also this belongs in the Gaming Discussion forum.