YouTube- BFBC2 Tips And Tricks: Sniper Rifles are for Chumps! This has got to be one of the best ideas ever in a videogame. I have not changed my weapon once since starting this. Well, except to try out new weapons to discover that they aren't as good.
Yeah, we've been talking about this in the BFBC2 thread. The 12-gauge slugs are pretty friggin impressive, although the enemies in this video are kinda oblivious.
OP = OP. Just sayin'... And they have my shotgun in this game!? <3 I only played once(yesterday) and pretty much used the beginning sniper class and M9 pistol. I might buy this game. Seems pretty good overall.
Yea, the shotgun is a gun that can be used by all classes and are found at the bottom of the weapons list. You may need to get a certain rank (like 3) to get one. Wait a second... HE DIDN'T USE TIME POWAHS! LIAR!
I've done that before, but in hardcore so it was way easier to get kills but when I figured this out so did everyone else in the game and there were A LOT of noises.
I suppose then my sarcasm in stating my power over time wasn't strong enough? Perhaps I should take lessons from Sarge.
Yeah, you'd rather sprint around the map with dual 1887's, huh? Cuz that's SO much more realistic than 12-gauge slugs.
No I have quite the distaste for MW2 as well, however I find it incredibly hypocritical when people ***** about models then say this makes "BFBC so awesome" Most of these two cent shooters pisses me off. Easy formula: Drop in/drop out games with perks, quick rewards, easy kills and lots of ranking up. They sell quick and get boring even quicker.
You should really give it a chance. The 12-gauge slugs are quite powerful in the right hands, but not that much better than any other gun. The kills in this video could have been accomplished with any weapon if you know how to use it. You really just have to find the gun that works best for you. There's not any one gun that is better than all others. BFBC2 takes a lot more skill and strategy than MW2. I would really recommend at least renting it. I promise you won't be disappointed.
Yeah i die all the time with my 12 Gauge shotgun. Its got a 6 shot clip, so if i miss just a few shots, i'm screwed. That along with a low rate of fire makes me vulnerable. Also, i can be sniped and knifed. Seriously, its a great game. Its not about a campfest or using cheap weapons, its about strategy and taking out objectives.