The Halo 3 Weapons do damage in Hit points. Most appear to do the same amount of damage to one's Shield points (Sp) as they do to one's Body points (Bp), but there are exceptions. There are also a few weapons that are headshot capable, or rather have a headshot bonus. These weapons are the Magnum, Carbine, Battle Rifle, Sniper Rifle, and Beam Rifle. Any damage done to a Player's head hitbox after their shields are down, or rather there Shield points are equal to zero (sp = 0), does infinite (∞) damage to the rest of the player's Hp. This could also be referred to as an automatic, or instant kill. In Bungie's 2/08/08 Weekly Update, it was revealed that each Player has 115 Hit points- 70 in Shield and 45 in Body points. This allows one to easily conclude that the Overshield Powerup initially adds another 70 hp to a player's Shield points, with each additional layering of shield also being worth another 70 shield points. All of the following was compiled based on this information. * Please note that all data is approximated and shows only the maximum damage one can inflict. Weapon Damage per Hit * Assault Rifle: 7.5 dmg * Battle Rifle: 6.0 dmg, 18.0 dmg/burst * Beam Rifle: 80.0 dmg * Brute Shot: 38.0 dmg * Carbine: 10.0 dmg * Energy Sword: 150.0 dmg * Gravity Hammer: 230.0 dmg * Machine Gun Turret: 15.0 dmg * Magnum: 15.0 dmg * Mauler: 107.0 dmg * Missile Pod: 126.0 dmg * Needler: 5.0 dmg (after 8 needles embed themselves they deal 225 dmg explosively) * Plasma Pistol: 10.0 sp-dmg & 2.4 bp-dmg (charged-shot deals ∞ sp-dmg / 0 bp-dmg) * Plasma Rifle: 14.5 sp-dmg & 3.5 bp-dmg * Rocket Launcher: 220.0 dmg * SMG: 4.8 dmg * Shotgun: 150.0 dmg * Sniper Rifle: 80.0 dmg * Spartan Laser: 284.0 dmg * Spiker: 9.0 dmg * Normal Melee: 70 dmg * Strong Melee; Spiker, Mauler:72 dmg * Heavy Melee; Rockets, Laser, Hammer, (Fuel Rod): 80 dmg * Massive Melee; Brute Shot, (Sentinel Beam): 90 dmg Note - while Bungie has never stated that any weapon's melee does more than 72 damage, conclusive tests seem to prove otherwise.
Crazy, this just made halo sound like an RPG haha. nice to know these facts though, im sure gonna remember some of these for battle.
Yes it makes me wonder what else is in the game that bungie is not telling us, such as if you can jumo higher with say plasma gernades then frags...idk just an idea
I swear that the plasma grenades explosion has a greater blast radius than the frag grenades. You could be on to something. This threadshould also most likely be in Halo discussion
I assume you have tested the headshot bonus with a player with 2000% damage reduction and no shields? Thank you, I'm printing this out. P.S. I wonder if one could find out how vehicles affect this as well as how much trip mines, and orb equipment explosions do. P.P.S. Also, if you ever have the time to find the rate of fire for each weapon, that would be greatly appreciated.
I did not get all this I looked on halopedia but since not eveyone goes there all the time i decided to post it here And yes Trip mines and vehicular shooting would be good also, but if not, just shoot whateva u got lol
Wow, that is very interesting. However I won't consider this when I'm actually playing. I shoot 'till they're dead and walk away (or teabag them).
So basically, if I level up my party by 248 XP, I can use the Scarab Gun (+300 attack, -30 speed, -30 defense)?
I'd say calling them hit points is a tad misleading, since as far as I can tell both shield AND body 'hit points' recharge, correct?
Semantics. I think we all get the idea. While this probably isn't that useful in-game... it's very useful in creating custom gametypes since you can manipulate damage and resistance. This would help you do that without having to play test every setting... which I had to do. For instance, I wasn't sure how much damage the Grav Hammer does. I can effectively reduce damage on all weapons by 50% and the Grav Hammer is still and instant kill. This demonstrates why that is so.
I've read this info somewhere else before. This is why I throw a grenade before I rush in with the BR or AR. It completely takes down their shield and then you can just put a few bullets in them and leave 'em dead. I found that grenades don't kill people, guns kill people.
"So basically, if I level up my party by 248 XP, I can use the Scarab Gun (+300 attack, -30 speed, -30 defense)?" i choose you master chief!! use bubble beam! yeah this was interesting, it made me go "huh." too bad it's going to leave my head within 30 seconds.
*Nemihara rolls dice. Dice: A perfect 20! *Nemihara taps Master Chief. corduroyCHUCK is defeated! Thank god I don't know what any of that means. Isn't it a general rule to throw grenades, and then rush in?
Yes its pretty common a gernade takes down anyones shield, then a burst of the BR will usuelly take down the guy if not, run out swingin
I'm wondering about flags, bombs, skulls, and grenades, and various other things. Any info on those? Great list though.