I wouldn't worry about it. The kid can't even spell correctly for the main site page. They won't last long with leadership like that. I would assume the majority of them are 14 years of age or younger. --dc
Engish thay speek iz gud. Seriously, their front page made my brain hurt. I agree with the general sentiment that they're probably nothing more than a bunch of 14 year old internet warriors.
How dare you associate me with them! but thats Tasman hate. Isn't classified as racism. I'd say somthing about the racist clan, but the page isn't loading.
idk about that. what if there custom game is some weird anti- Aussy game and the aussie's are zombies?
Now,does this guy even know who he's insulting? Austrailia was settled by British penal colonists exported from national prisons. Is this guy a Brit with a century old chip on his shoulder? Or, is he talking about the Austrailian aboriginals, who are the one of the most unique genetic populations on the planet?
Australian isn't a race (unless you mean aborigines) every one else is like European or... wait are there asians in Australia i mean there really close but I've never been there so i don't know btw ASIANS ROCK also Australians are awesome especially this one http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/zeropunctuation