Writing this several weeks after getting the game, I've still never managed to hijack a Banshee in mid-air after jumping out of a Hornet, though I dare say it's possible. But I have found a fairly easy way to hijack one another way. Here's what I did on Easy. When you get your first Hornet in The Covenant, fly to your destination and dismount on the long narrow sloping roof of the structure. If you haven't destroyed many Banshees on the way, there will be lots of them flying about not far off, near a Phantom. One will soon come your way, cannons firing. When it gets close enough, run and jump towards it to board, pressing RB when you get the screen prompt for boarding. Bingo! This can likewise work on higher difficulty levels of course, except that the incoming Banshee's fire becomes more of a concern. Possibly you could use the Hornet for cover or use a bubble shield, but I've not bothered to try that out. Personally I find the Banshee handling so unpleasant that I have no real interest in boarding them, which is why I've not done more work on the matter. I find it really awkward compared to the H1 Banshee I'm used to. One big difference is that it doesn't seem able to hover. It seems to want to permanently move forward, unless you pull back on the stick to descend. When I got one, it was a bit like it had a life of its own and I was struggling against it. I found it quite hard to target the enemy with fuel rod blasts, and didn't like having to reach for the B button to fire. I also found it annoying how limited my angle of climb or dive was. Enemy Banshees repeatedly climbed or dived out of my field of fire and there seemed nothing I could do about keeping a bead on them. All in all, a frustrating experience - but maybe you'll get along with them better than me.
Pretty nifty find. Not sure how this could help, but I suppose if you are a bigger Banshee driver than Hornet driver it would be helpful. Also, have you tried to knock one down out of the sky with a Plasma Pistol? It might be able to stun it long enough to get into it.
Oh. Maybe I'll try that. I have had few succesful skyjacker medals even in matchmaking. Believe me, its not that easy. I also heard there's a way that when someone is trying to skyjack you, you can hit them back, and make them fall. I'd try it, but i dont get skyjackewd that often.
I was known for mid-air hijackings in Halo 2. Still haven't quite gotten the hang of them in H3. Might have something to do with the fact that there are so few maps where the aerial vehicles appear with any sort of abundance now.....