MW2 Stimulus Map Pack Ripoff? (review)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Phill3593, Apr 1, 2010.

  1. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    In my opinion, the maps couldn't be much worse. They basically gave me 3 poorly thought out maps.
    The first problem is that the map pack costed 1200 microsoft points. I was thinking of not buying it right away when I saw that. All map packs for almost every game are 800 microsoft points.
    The second problem is that they brought back CoD4 maps which doesn't provide anything new for me. If I wanted to play Crash and Overgrown, I would play CoD4. They changed like 2 things on each map.
    The third and largest problem is the quality of the maps. The best of the three maps which I would give a 7/10 is Storm. But it still reminds me of Downpour from CoD4 and Hanger from CoD5. I just bothers me that the map idea isn't unique.
    The second best map even though it is bad is bailout. Good lord, Campers heaven. 3 or 4 buildings across from each other with one big open street in the middle that no one halfway smart would ever walk down? Really? Lots of small hallways and corners so the shotgun can be overused. I think on this map, they took too much concern on the looks of it than the gameplay. The looks are the only cool part about this map - The pool table, pinball games, the pool and the exercise room are pretty cool. But other than that, the map is not good. I'd give it a 5/10
    And then there's Salvage. Yes I know it's supposed to resemble a junkyard but it literally looks like InfinityWard hit the "**** Randomizer" button on this map. A junkpile of cars here, a doghouse there, and a bunch of cement tubes all over the place. The map does not impress me. It has exactly 4 alleys ways that are all very thin so it is near impossible to get across to plant the bomb in Search and Destroy. 3.5/10 on this map.

    I guess I am just dissapointed that the gameplay and uniqueness the CoD games is so good because it just fells like they fall short on fixing glitches and exploits. I mean come on, Javelin Glitching, Models range, care package glitching, camos for secondary guns. It's a bit ridiculous. They need to take out the 1v1 gametypes like 3rd person cage match. How stupid can they be. All anyone does is boost in those lobbies and it doesn't make people like me fell as accomplished or satisfied with me getting camos legitly or havong a good K/D ratio when 60% of they CoD population boosts for those kinds of things. It just fells like I have nothing to play for sometimes if the camos and other things I earn legitly can be earned just as easily as joining a third person cage match and boosting.

    I realize that was a little bit off topic but in general, many people quit MW2 because of all the minor problems and they had a chance to impress again with the maps, but they clearly failed. Three "New New" maps that total to 16.5/30. That is in fact and F for failing with the new map pack. If I had played the maps before I had to pay, I would have paid 400 microsoft points top which is 5 dollars. But no, they make these cool 15 second sneek peek trailers which make the maps look sweet. And I fell for the trailer, the maps did look sweet, but after 10 hours of play, The only one I will ever like partially is Storm.

    I would like to hear your guys' opinion on this this. I might come across strong in my opinions but I am open to hearing others opinion. Oh, and my fingers hurt.
  2. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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  3. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    $5 for each new map plus two maps for free?

    Jesus, people ***** about anything these days.
  4. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    It's incredible how stupid some people can be these days, really. It's really amazing.

    First off, I'd like to be the first one to point out that you need to stop bitching about the price. Why are other map packs cheaper? Because they don't have 5 maps. I really don't know why I need to explain that. More maps = more money. I was under the impression people as stupid as yourself would even be able to understand that logic, but apparently I was wrong.

    2: Great, go play CoD4 then. MW2 is an improvement off of CoD4. Otherwise they would've just continued building maps for it. Each game in any series is more than just new maps, it's tons and tons of changes in gameplay mechanics, game physics, anything you can think of. I really don't know why I needed to explain this in the first place; to be honest more people would be grateful that they brought back old maps. You don't see anyone complaining when they had maps like Midship and Sidewinder brought to Halo 3 did you? Of course not.

    3: I don't need to argue with you about how the map's play, especially because that won't go anywhere. That's obviously everyone's opinion. I thought they were just fine, and I enjoyed 'em.

  5. LieutenantLambo

    LieutenantLambo Ancient

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    $5 for each map? So, apparently you'd rather have four maps (and two maps for free, according to your story) then a $20 game? I'd love to see how that works out in your life.


    Just because you have money, doesn't mean you should spend it immediately.

    Rich? Buy it now. Poor? Don't buy it. Intelligent? Wait.
    #5 LieutenantLambo, Apr 2, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2010
  6. .RevO

    .RevO Ancient
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    What $20 game would you be talking about, and yes of course more maps cost more money, its common sense and you shouldn't ***** about it.
  7. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    What do you mean when you say "I don't need to argue with you about the map's play"? You don't think the quality of the map matters? I'm exaggerating but you would be okay if they gave you a map the was 2 by 2 feet and blank?

    And I'm sorry I have the money but it's not like I want to waste it on something that's not worth it. So it is expensive to me when it's something I don't like or want. And it's not 5 maps, it is 3 new ones with in my opinion, a bad map brought back, Overgrown, with a decent small map, Crash.

    I don't mean to get in an argument about this, I just think they really ripped off a lot of people - Map Pack Price? Quality?

    I don't know, my opinion is my opinion.
  8. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    it works out at $3 a map
    3*5 = 15
  9. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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  10. J4M NUTST3R

    J4M NUTST3R Ancient
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    If you didn't want to be disappointed, you should've waited. There are now hundreds of videos on EACH of the maps, and you could have decided from there.
    #10 J4M NUTST3R, Apr 2, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2010
  11. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    The problem, like he stated, was the two returning maps were directly ported between two games that came out on the same console too close together. They did very little work to transfer those maps and they should have been give to us early as a peace offering for the horrible glitches since launch.

    Wrong. MW2 is a different game, another game. Get it..another game. It is about profit not "fan enjoyment", so no they wouldn't have continued making maps for CoD4, just like they won't continue making maps for MW2 after it's been out two years. Sure it was great they brought back CoD4 maps but this is largely because the MW2 maps were atrocious. Midship and Sidewinder? Well both were rebuilt from the ground up (Avalanche is no where near like Sidewinder) and both had to be taken from an original xbox game to the 360. Not even a valid argument.

    If you didn't need to argue with him on his opinion, why did you come in here and do so?

    15 dollars for a 16 year old with no job: That's expensive
    15 dollars for a university student: That's expensive, not to mention money to get drunk which is worth much more than shitty CoD maps, so no if somethings not worth it I don't quite want to waste fun for digital feces. Reviews help people make decisions and this is a review, despite the anger he may have injected into it.
  12. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    First, All games have glitches. Halo has glitches, Battlefield has glitches. Halo's glitches you see every day: Interlocking, Geomerging, etc.

    And Camos... Do what?

    And they shouldn't REMOVE the gametypes, but patch them so that people cannot join your session in progress.
  13. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    but look how many there are. and for such a high budget game??
    and you cant just say its because of high population. cod 4 didnt suffer this, nor did halo 3(to such an extent), which was the most played game over XBL for over 12 months
    #13 QKT, Apr 2, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2010
  14. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I agree, but if Infinity Ward was given a much more flexible schedule from Activision, these would have been fixed.
  15. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    lets hope west and zampella do own the MW franchise then
  16. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    personally, my problem with MW2 is that eventually, things become the same on every map. a couple of maps are decent, but eventually the same tactics run through, on wasteland, just control that middle underground bit and you win if you hold them off, if you dont, they try to hold you off. all the maps have one place of main tactical control (comparing to halo 3, where weapon placement can make the map rotate in importance, e.g. the pit either rocket area or sword room, blackout the lift with shotty or sniper perch). I haven't, and dont have intention in buying the packs, i get enough routine from the current maps, which are fun, dont get me wrong, but repeat themselves over and over, most maps have 3 main routes (more or less) and thats it without rotation.

    I dont know why, but i dont wish to buy 1200MSP worth of stuff i paid 40-something-quid for already. I think 400-800 is fair...
  17. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    Glitches: Well, there is a difference between helpful glitches and glitches that restrict your ability to have fun. No one gets mad, because you can interlock racetracks and create bettter newer maps, but people sure as heck get mad when javelins explode and cover 100 square feet of ground every time you kill a guy. (Javelin Glitching)

    Camos: They don't make the biggest difference and that point wasn't a very strong one but you're telling me you don't care one bit if you a blank no camo black Famas or a Red Tiger one? It's not like I jump up and down when I get a camo but I do become satisfied when I achieve a certain number of headshots.

    Boosting: You don't think half the people join a 3rd person cage match with a random person? Not everyone does it with a friend. And if they did take join session off, all that would do is make 100% of the people instead of 50% randomly join lobbies with a random person. They need to cut the gametype period, that's the only way to stop boosting.
    #17 Phill3593, Apr 3, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2010
  18. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Who are you to say that $15 is expensive for every 16 year old without a job, and every university student?

    I'm only 17, and jobless, yet the money wasn't a big deal due to the fact that i already had the MS points on my xbox, therefore if i hadn't bought the maps then $15 worth of MS points would have still been sitting on my hard drive (or wherever they are)

    Back on-topic, the maps are enjoyable, and of course they wont be able to please every single player, so deal with it. If you think you made a bad decision by buying the maps then you have to deal with the consequences, crying about it isn't going to help.
  19. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    I'm not crying about it, I'm just showing that they really messed up here. We all criticise things, I don't cry about it.
  20. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I for one think that it was a fair price.
    I broke it down like this:
    5 maps
    3 new: Bailout, Salvage, Storm
    2 old: Overgrown, Crash(Also to be noted, won award for 3rd most popular muliplayer map according to game informer.

    Many people were excited at the maps coming back(the majority of fans I spoke with anyways). Very few were disappointed.

    You said the maps were "Bad Quality"
    In my opinion only storm is. Storm seems to "real", as in it's not planned and is more like some industrial place in real life that wouldn't at all suit a game. This map disappointed me.

    Bailout was a success to me. It has a variety of paths, few places to camp(spare the sniping spot in one end), and some cool features.

    Salvage was also a success. A perfect sized map, not too many changes in level(almost every spot is ground level). Hard to camp(all "camping spots" can be covered by grenades or noob tubes). It works great for all gametypes.

    I have had a lot of fun, as has everyone I know(except two people, TWO). Some say it's all about profit, and it is! They have to think about themselves otherwise they can't continue on making games. I will admit however Activision is a "little" greedy.

    And before you complain about waisting 15 dollars because you had a few bad games, give it a chance. I almost guarentee you joined a few games that were in progress, got dominated by a good team, then blamed it on the maps, IW, and activision. I started to do this my first day of the new maps, but gave it a chance and now I love it.

    Even if this doesn't get to you, I have one thing to say

    No matter how much you cry, rant, and complain, IW, Activision, nor Microsoft, Sony, Valve, or whoever the hell supports your online play will do anything about it. Deal with it. You're one voice out of hundreds who complains.

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