Sure dude, by all means create a normal map. You can always just edit it and release an RS map. The reason why Rise is called TRS Rise, is because i may look into tweaking it to fit non-competitive slayer action in it. Obviously, i'd be removing the CPU's so i'd need to give it a different map name. Hence the Prefix of TRS. If you wish to have a map you've already made available for Regen Slayer or Team RS, just put the applicable prefix infront of it. RS / TRS To both of the above quotes: If youre looking into making a regeneration slayer map, i'd suggest building one based on a SWAT map. But make it so there's a point of control that's open. An example of a decent map would be Assembly. Now the most central point of the map is not available as it is confined. However, the Regenerator spawn is open enough to hold the bonus zone. When designing your map, think open, but also the map needs to have its confined moments. The general map would work well because the sight lines are generally long, however, these can be confined inside the bases and the lower level. When looking at TRS Rise, the hill area is the most open part of the map. The majority of players (and respawn points) point in this general direction because its more likely to give the player a kill or at least a fight to participate in. Line of Sight was a big thing to look at in this map. I didnt want to many objects in the way to prevent free flowing movement and i didnt want objects generally getting in the way, however, the majority line of sight is covered by either height difference, or different platforms. The most widely avaiable sight line is generally the hill zone and its surrounding platform which makes it a risk to control the bonus zone. Things to remember: The hill MUST be a risk to hold. There shouldnt be any direct cover nearby. However, try not to make it so much of a risk that players do not wish to fight for it. Custom power ups have to be included in the map. Preferably at least 2 should be included. This is so more of the map will be used and this should prevent congestion in other areas besides the hill. This also allows enough shield life to circulate through the game. If you only have 1 or 2 i'd advise a 20 seconds respawn. Using 3 or 4 power ups i'd advise a 30s respawn Spawn killing is encouraged, but shouldnt happen frequently. Players should have to earn the right to rack up overkills etc... Ideally all maps should have a large height variation. If forging in the crypt and using the floor, at least a block double in height variation should be used. More floors the better. If you guys have any other problems / questions feel free to message in here or pm me or even message me on xbl to join your game or something. If you are sending an invite, make sure to include in the message why your sending me the invite though
Next time your on steve im going to invite you to a game and show you the map so far. I have actually hit a mental block. My original design in sketchup does not fit in foundry so I need to rethink it, but I cant work out what to do.
I play when my internet doesnt suck... which is does the majority of the time. You should download the gametype and find someone to play with or just ask your friends to come back to halo for a quick game
Just letting everyone know that Gyroscope is about 40% done through the design phase. Guardian is almost setup for Regen Slayer, it just needs some spawn and weapon tweaking. The Guardian variant is know as Regain.
Gametype's versions v3.1 has replaced v3 in the links section. Also added Regain to the map listings. Currently the map is in testing and does not have a download link.
Thanks Steve for the additional info for making an RS map. I have also hit a mental block forging, but now this makes me want to finish my racetrack even more to get a hold on making my RS map.
No worries man, just inv me sometime and i'll see what it might need or just generally see how its going. Off-topic: For the map pack, i think i'll get a list of 10 maps and start a poll thread to see what maps people want in the map pack. Then people can release their own map packs if their maps dont make the RS one
After reading through that post, I was dying to give the gametype a try. That was, until I found out the link was broken. Give me a call when the gametypes up.
Thanks man, for some reason the thread inserted more [ url ] tags inside a url tag which messed it all up. No idea why though. You'll have to keep checking here soon. I know of at least 3 more maps that will be available for RS soon. Oh, and the links are fixed now EDIT: Also me and Crypto nv keep customs going each week. Some gametypes have new updates as well. If your interested in seeing how it plays, message either one of us on xbl for an inv for Regen slayer sometime. I cant always play (cause my internets usually less than 1.0mb download) but i'm sure crypto would love to introduce it to you
Good to here. Ive always seen the option to gain sheilds by shooting enemys in the custom Game options, but no one has ever dared try it out. Im quite interested in seeing how it plays out.
*map list and links updated* As soon as you get Regain finished crypto, upload it to your fs and let me know. Ill make the list item a dlink
Yay Gyroscope is ready. It plays really well but I want to play a bit more on it before I officially post it.