SaharaGarage v3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by SquirrellyOtter, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. SquirrellyOtter

    SquirrellyOtter Forerunner

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    SaharaZombies on SaharaGarage v3

    An Infection Variant Gametype created by SquirrellyOtter

    A Sand Tarp Variant Map designed by SquirrellyOtter and Lone Wolf KTG

    Tested by the Zombie League Gaming community

    Game Introduction and Screenshots provided by SquirrellyOtter

    Hunkered down in ancient ruins, your team of military scientists discovers what destroyed this once proud civilization: a dangerously infectious plague that kills its victims, reanimates them as hosts and carriers, imbues them with superhuman speed and endurance, and hunts down the living with brutal efficiency to spread the disease without end. And a number of your team members are missing while investigating a mysterious site on the far side of the ruins…

    Ok, so maybe not the greatest backstory. Anywho, this is my attempt at creating a fair and balanced Infection variant of a particularly popular custom game I’ve seen floating around YouTube. The basic premise is simple enough: Zombies are crazy fast and have Grav Hammers plus the traditional Energy Sword, Humans go tearing it up in ‘Hogs gunning down Zombies and hoping they don’t get caught. One way or another, they usually get caught. Here’s the stuff you came for:

    Humans start with Battle Rifles and Magnums, and all your settings are normal. Unfortunately, the Zombies are your physical superior in every way, as they can run 300% faster than you, jump 25% higher, and take a whopping 500% more damage than you before succumbing to oblivion. This means they will happily take a rocket to the chest and keep running toward your tasty tender instant-dinner-for-one body.



    However, they lack your technical advantage, so they don’t have shields, and since the plague resides in the host’s brain, a simple headshot will send them straight to the grave.


    Despite this weakness, the zombies’ brute force is overwhelming, and their raw speed alone could do you in if you don’t play your cards right.

    You living ones spawn in the back room of your base.


    The front half of your bases is “barricaded”, but you can’t exactly depend on the shoddy worksmanship of your “security agency” here. There are three types of equipment available to you in the front room, four samples of each.


    Choose and use wisely; you may not be able to return for replacements or refills.

    The rear-side door is guarded by a machine gun, but that may be useless in the confined hallway space against such tough foes. Luckily, you do have a small variety of vehicles available (you didn’t think you walked here in the sweltering heat, did you?).


    There are four Warthogs; classic, durable, and reliable. Three Choppers also are parked here for you badasses who think you can lone-wolf this.


    And there is one Mongoose for the daredevils *cough*Imeanidiots*cough* who REALLY want to prove yourselves BAMFs *cough*Imeanreally-blam!-ingstupididiots*cough*.


    You were smart; you always expect trouble, no? You thus prepared accordingly and stocked small mini-forts with your extra guns as weapons depots in case you ran out. Bullets don’t grow on trees, you know (that, and there are no trees out in this godforsaken wasteland anyways). And, if you stay alive long enough, you may find there are a couple of depots more valuable than the others…



    But beware, humans, for you will have to get out of your vehicles to grab the power weapons… And zombies are not at all pedestrian-friendly…



    Your missing teammate(s) took out the Gauss ‘Hog to the far side of the ruins, which is where all the zombies are popping up. You can risk trying to swap ‘Hogs, and if your gunner’s aim is good, it just might be worth risking your life to get that close. The Gauss ‘Hog is in fact the best vehicle on the map, as it is extremely efficient in zombie-killing.



    But if you dally too long beforehand, you may find that ‘Hog unreachable as more zombies crawl out of the proverbial woodwork. If you’re going to get it, I suggest you hop to it immediately.

    The Alpha Zombie is poorly camouflaged, which means he could sneak up on you, though it is difficult for him to do so depending on how you execute your tactics.


    If your racing around in a ‘Hog, you just might miss him in the blur of motion.


    That would spell your doom. D, two O’s…

    The Last Man Standing has proved himself a cunning foe indeed, and is granted extra powers that enhance his abilities greatly. Firstly and perhaps most noticeably, he deals 300% more damage per shot than a normal human as he knows where the zombie weak points are. This means he is going to deal damage to zombies almost like they are normal, unshielded players, so undead beware! Secondly, he gains some additional personal speed and jumps himself; zombie-killing is, after all, the ultimate workout! Finally, he is blest with infinite ammo… just to make his final life interesting.


    Whether you are a human or a zombie, teamwork and communication is absolutely necessary. A disorganized undead charge may result in you becoming the marksmen’s next target practice, or a lengthy and unprofitable chase; whereas an uncoordinated defense or poorly-planned exfiltration could lead to the humans’ untimely demise.




    I’m expecting play to take place on the outer edges of the map, between the humans’ ‘Hogs and the zombies' fantastic speed. If humans stay inside, it is their own skin they are risking, and I wouldn’t recommend it with the undead having 500% resistance. Indoors, you only have one chance to score the headshot, because the zed will be moving too fast for you to have a second.


    Here is a breakdown of the map's set-up in two pictures:



    No, this map is NOT to show off my obviously-less-than-epic Forge skills. This is just for fun. Enjoy it. Take a few names and kick a little ass. Let’s ride.

    Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details

    Map Variant: : Halo 3 File Details

    These and More Screenshots on Photobucket: Tour of SaharaGarage v3 pictures by SquirrellyOtter - Photobucket

    Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy!

    #1 SquirrellyOtter, Apr 3, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2010
  2. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you know, i think you may have made an infection on sandtrap that isnt for da nubz. It looks, dare i say it, thought out. The gauss thing? that looks interesting... as its next to zombie spawn that looks very interesting... if you are having a customs sesh then invite me (GT: The Moran) as i do want to see this in action, but i rarely get a big group going.
  3. GearBox12

    GearBox12 Forerunner

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    i made a map very similar to this but yours takes the cake. It may be a good idea to make the zombies able to fly an give them solar poop
  4. Zapzap09

    Zapzap09 Ancient

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    The details work fine, but the main structure is flawed. Why are there so many power weapons on this map if the Zombies die from one shot to the head with either of your starting weapons? That creates, yet another, gametype where nobody wants to be the Zombies, but everyone loves slaughtering them as humans. It also removes the point for vehicular combat, as a smart player would just camp in the base with a friend and pick off any intruders.

    What I would do to make this game better, is simplify the game. Immensely. Either remove the camo for the Zombies, or nerf it so that they're completely invisible. If doing the former, make the Zombies never appear on the radar, and the latter would make the zombie always appear on the radar. Also, make the humans puny. That's right, slow them down and dumb their power. Give them a reason to actually want to use the vehicles by adding the "Immune to Headshots" feature on the Zombies. With these features, the humans will want to go look for vehicles and power weapons rather than stay in the base and camp, as death would be approaching them.

    I think these features would help, but it's up to you. I'll rate the Gametype a 4/10, and the map a 7/10. Total that up and you have about a 5.5/10. I think if you fix some stuff up, we could honestly up that score by about 3 points.
  5. SquirrellyOtter

    SquirrellyOtter Forerunner

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    Firstly, there are only two power weapons on the map, and you forget that as LMS you have a damage bonus and infinite ammo. I believe in rewarding those who invest in the future.

    Secondly, Sandtrap's structures are like Swiss cheese: there are a lot of holes, and "a smart player and a friend" would likely get picked off as soon as they were located simply because it's so close-quarters and there are so many ways inside any building on Sandtrap. (dig that picture I had addressing this exact idea in the original post).

    This creates the choice for you: You can either risk going out on foot and, assuming you can draw a bead on a target moving 300% faster than you, rack up some more kills via headshots with the danger of getting outflanked and overtaken by four Zombies, or you can lose the headshot ability for speed in a vehicle with a friend and last longer. This was done intentionally; you need to make that tactical choice and face the consequences. To do any less would make this game no better than the billions of variants on this theme floating around out there; here you at least have the opportunity to try different strategies to some degree of success rather than relying on your driving/turret-gunning prowess every single time.
    #5 SquirrellyOtter, Apr 3, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2010
  6. Ghost G45

    Ghost G45 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ultimately better than the time I tried making this almost three years ago. The time you invested is great, and even though there are some alterations you could make, this is by far the most balanced type of this map out of any similar layout I've ever played on.

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