First panorama I've ever tried. Actually, four, put into one to create the daytime/nighttime look. Comments? GIANT IMAGE IN SPOILER Spoiler And yes I know the moon is bein' all funky. I couldn't get it to cooporate. On D.A. <-- Fav/comment/watch
That is a really nicely made panorama. The angle is fantastic, and the day-to-night effect is very cool and original (in fact, I haven't actually seen that done before...) For the little problem with the moon, I would suggest retouching it in Photoshop; it doesn't look too difficult to fix. Overall, awesome shots and a very well made panorama, great work! P.S. - If you are interested in doing post-editing in Photoshop, I would suggest bumping up the saturation a bit, especially on the left, and possibly working with the curves a bit as well... that would really make this perfect.
I'll definetely go back and try some of the things you've mensioned. Thanks for the feedback! I know the moon wouldn't be difficult to fix in photoshop, however, I do not have access to PS at the moment... Hopefully I will again soon.
Oh MAN...I LOVE IT.. I never would have thought of doing the day to night style..its beautiful.. And I am a photographer as well.. Looking very good. Only thing I could recommend has already been said "Post capture Editing" I love it though..I favd it on DA
Whoa, that's sick! The day-night conversion is pretty cool, but just the general picture content is awesome too. Makes me wanna go out and make a panorama, aha so Inspirational!