Happy Map 2-8 Players Download Map: this Happy Rap is just a race map my friend and I decided to build after wanting our own. The forging is pretty good (uses real interlockz lolz) and is not like a normal race map. The stupid title is to represent the funny and casual nature of its jumps and small turns. The man-cannon jumps can be a little tricky but the whole loop is still definitely possible. Sometimes just making it to the end without falling off is more difficult than actually racing, but is still funny and interesting. All of the main jumps cross through the middle, providing for some pretty outrageous collisions, especially if the map has more than two people. However, it is still fun just by yourself or with a friend. Happy Map supports the RACETRACKS game variant and is completely cheat-proof. It's not designed for hardcore racing or anything, mostly just casual fun. I hope you actually give the map a try, its pretty funny to watch your friends fail. (And there's a pretty sweet double bank at the top of the map) ALL YOU PROBABLY CARE ABOUT: The Tunnel The Start The "Back Bowl" The Bottom Curve The Finish Overview Final Notes: Please let us know what you think!
this looks Aweosme!!!! it looks so complicated but so cool i'm actually drooling on my computer right now. definate dl for me! Awesome SAuce!!!
I do like the look, i'll d/l and check it out. one piece advice so far, that double bank turn should curve, not flat tops, to allow overtakes and general niceness of aesthetics, just a thought. your link does not work for me, all i get is (i assume asian) writing and something about "请求的 URL: /www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx" what. the? 0.o edit: however, i have searched, and found your gamertag. this is your racetrack, please update the download link. Mods will cry if you dont. or lock the thread, one of the two.
I downloaded this map as soon as I saw it, and i have to say it is one of my favorite race maps ever! There are so many ways to collide with the other players it makes gameplay fun and original every time.
Thanks! Yea, the idea was that narrow, overlapping tracks would make it pretty fun. How many people did you play with?
This actually looks really fun. The design isn't anything that would appeal to hardcore racing fans, but it pleases the average guy (me). That element is something lacking in a lot of maps these days. Anyway, I would DL and test it out, but whenever I switch from MW2 to Halo, I have a hard time getting used to Halo's slower frame rate.
sick!!!! you need to get a video of the track, this looks nice. id clean up the "bottom curve" , it looks a little sloppy.
Yea I might just render a video of one lap and put it on here. And yea, the angle I took the shot at looks sloppy, but you come from the other side and it's really smooth. If it seems like enough people would play it, I'll make a V2 with a cleaner look.
ok, i'm going to go through the PROBLEM parts of the map, overall, i love the layout, and the idea, however some of the forging parts need changing, and as you mentioned a V2, i'll go through it. Just to clarify, i've driven round many times in forge, however not with friends. Starting platform: well, you need something to stop the drivers nose-plating the floor. its a starting acceleration killer, and looks unprofessional, just something at an angle making you stay upright would do (i'd not use a shield door, i know you have one left but that gives everyone speed) The spawns should face the respective mongoose (just to look better, no gameplay killing from what i can tell) the very last mongoose appears to spawn half hanging off. Problem Turns: first jump (after tunnels) is fine, keep it as it is second and third (the ones with a cannon) however seem to leave me at an angle on impact, sometimes resulting in me falling to my death just because of that alone (as i played alone), however, once i've had a bit of practice i knew where to hit however mid game would be difficult against others. S bend: not bad, i'd round them off if possible, however, seeing you cannot place anymore objects, i understand them being that way, perhaps have them all turn, i may be able to help if needed. the end of the S turn, delete that wedge long, it made me hit the top and sides so many times it was unbelievable (but, having said that if i were with others, i may hit that turn slower, perhaps invite me sometime for a game?) i cant remember any else wrong, so yeah. my input for you. enjoy
Wow, thanks for an actual review. I can add you if you want to play and show me a couple things. We weren't actually trying to make anything too serious, and falling off usually just made it funny and tricky for us (and yea, there is a pretty strict learning curve). I'll send you a message if you want to play. P.S. The half-falling-off mongoose is just a funny way to screw over the guy who gets it. Sorry!
Hmm... thats strange.. i didnt know Jesus played Halo! Anywho this map looks really fun although i havent downloaded it yet. Just one comment though, it seems in some of pictures some of the turns look a little uneven. Anyways im sure theyll run smoothly and other than that i cant wait to play this race! 4/5