Better than the Alpha Site map you posted but still to simple. I'm really liking that center structure(even though it's the only structure).
not the best remake ever but certainly not the worst. I dont care as long as you fix some things like the size i'll be fine.
Just to let everyone know, the old post is gone, but heres a new one, with better defined requests places i've circled need creating (or editing as it looks half arsed at the moment) any questions? also, just to not sound like an ass, i do very much like the main building as it is, but i haven't checked it out in forge, but i dont think that alone is worth a d/l. better than the alpha site one however. But with changed where i've circled (or as many as possible) then i'd download definitely
Ok, extra phantoms are impossible, I might make the light posts, and there are already wraiths where you requested them, you can't see them int he pics though. Also, warthog is left out due to balncing issues
You focused to much on the main building. The main building is very nice, but its the only building out there. People always see remakes of Lost Platoon, but ive never seen the hill. That really ties up the whole map. Atleast make the little hills around the buildings or you could of used the sand as the hill. .. being lazy with my grammar xp
Im not sure how to put this without being a total b&^%* but I think that the sizes are extremely improportional. I also think that you will lose alot of grenades in the main structure since it isnt merged. Not to say that mine is better than yours but i think mine beats yours in some spots and yours beats mine in some spots. If you wanna see mine heres the link:
This is an improvement from your other one. the aesthatics are actually quite good and it's good how your remaking stuff. those phantoms look pretty sweet aswell. 3.857/5. Oh yeh. i couldn't see any vehicles. Is there any? Because it is very much a vehicular based map
I downloaded this map and it looks sweet, but were's the Warthog!? have you taken it out to balance things? I noticed that you had a good amound of cash left so you could make some other bits; like the trees in the open area and...stuff. I looked at the gametype and it looks like it will work very well. Ill try this out next time i can get all my mates off MW2 . 4.8/5