Foundry Exiled

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Zapzap09, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. Zapzap09

    Zapzap09 Ancient

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    Players: 6 - 12
    Gametypes: Team Slayer, CTF, Assault
    Canvas Map: Foundry
    Creator: Zapzap09 link: : Halo 3 File Details

    Here it is, Exiled. "This small facility may be empty of workers, but conflicts are definitely not scarce."

    This is my second serious attempt at forging a map, and I have to say, I think it's a HUGE improvement over my first map, Grease. Where Grease fell short asthetically and gameplay-wise, Exiled cranks it up a couple of notches. It took me about 8 hours to construct and about half an hour to fix small tid-bits and recommendations from friends, so about 7 days, on and off. Before I go into an explanation of the map, I'd like you to download Exiled, and play on it with a couple of friends, even if you end up deleting it afterwards. Why? I want your suggestions and input on how to make a map more structured and fun. I don't care if you hated every second of it, I'd like to see some reviews on what I should to to improve, and what I did well. Also, thanks to all who gave suggestions and tips on how to be a better forger (A special thanks to RadiantRain). With that out of the way, on to the map!

    Exiled is mainly built for the most popular gametypes, Slayer (Team Slayer, to be precise), Capture the Flag and Assault. However, I will be working on the other modes so that it can be enjoyed no matter what you want to play. I wouldn't play Free-For-All, if I were you, as when me and my friends tested the gametypes out, we found that only team gametypes were enjoyable. So play it however you want, but make sure that teams are enable for all gametypes. Team Slayer is always a fun one, so I won't go into detail about that, but I also find CTF really fun. The infiltration and escape of the enemy team's enclosed barracks is fun when you and your squad or partner is with you, trying to avoid death. Same goes for Assault, although when excess players play (5 or more for Assault, in Exiled), we found that players would either disarm or detonate the bomb way to easily, so take that in mind when you play. And now, for some pictures!

    Here's the map overview. Yep, all that gave me one dollar left, without using infinite money glitches and such.

    This is Team A's (Or the attacking team in CTF and Assault) turret. Warding off foes with plasma is the way to go.

    In the little alley between the two main buildings (Well, two buildings connected at the top) rests a Rocket Launcher, ready to crush the hopes and dreams of passing enemies.

    Here's the roof at the top of those buildings.

    This small area seperates the two sections, and is where you will find tons of vehicular combat.

    A Sentinal Beam is located in the open container from the last picture, and can effectively be used to stop attackers in a CTF or Assault match.

    These two pictures show Ghost locations on opposite ends of Exiled, one at a tune-up station and the other located in a crash site. Don't worry, they're completely safe!

    Erm, did I say safe? Whoops. I forgot about the piles and piles of Fusion coils that were at each location. Pardon my stupidity. Use these explosions as a way to destroy enemy Ghosts and passing players.

    As you can see in this picture, shooting at players bellow you from the roof is a good tactic. Plenty of protection, and tons of vantage points. Aww, poor teal Spartan.

    A Shotgun is hiding underneath that arch you see to the top right of this picture, and it can be used to get kills on unexpected players that pass by bellow you. Here's me about to kill that teal Spartan. Take that, evil-doer!

    This is one of the entrances to the main building(s). The Shield door allows for Vehicles to stay out, but Grenades can be thrown in. And no, that wasn't laziness on my part. It's gameplay, GAMPLAY, I tell you! Although, on second note, it looks as if one of those boxes is turned the wrong way. Oops. That's laziness on my part.

    Dual Weilding can be a huge part of the game, if you let it be. Just remember, however, that when you dual-weild the damage from each weapon is reduced, and you are unable to toss grenades.

    Although you cannot tell from this picture, the Plasma Cannon is raised so that you can hide behind the barrier in the heat of battle. Detaching the turret will ruin this until it is spawned again, so be warned.

    Although it is highly unlikely, you can survive the explosion from either of the two Ghost spawns. And as an added bonus, flying through the air and landing on foes is a great way for splatters!

    Here's more details of some of the features on Exiled:


    Spikers x 4
    Plasma Rifles x 2
    SMG x 4
    Maulers x 2
    Sniper Rifle x 2
    Sentinal Beam x 1
    Rocket Launcher x 1
    Shotgun x 1
    Plasma Cannons x 2


    Ghost x 2
    Mongoose x 2


    Regenerator x 2
    Trip Mine x 2

    Tips and Techniques

    -Sabotage is great for the Objective games. Destroying Ghosts, ripping off turrets, moving the Mongooses, you name it.
    -Sticking together may be a bad idea, in some cases. A Ghost could easily get a double-kill if you are tight with a teammate, and the many explosions on this map can get both of you killed.
    -Standing on the many perches on the rooves of buildings with a Shotgun can be an easy way to kill players running around bellow you.
    -Remember that you can shoot through all of the fence walls on Exiled. That includes the fence box where the Snipers spawn.
    -Dual Weilding, as I have said above, should not be used at all times.
    -There are many different paths to take in Assault and Capture the Flag, so be organized as a team to stop opponents.

    So, that's it. Please, remember to download and rate this map on either Forgehub or, so I can become a much better forger. Do not hesitate to point out things I did wrong or what I need to improve on, because all critisim is constructive, in my opinion. I hope you enjoyed playing on this map as much as I enjoyed making it.


    "What now, Zapzap09? Teal shall reign victorious!!"
    #1 Zapzap09, Mar 21, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2010
  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmmm... I like this. You should put in large text what gametypes it's playable with, and which gametypes should be preferred. It's a standard map that's to be played for the lols. This seems like a fun map. Send me a friend request and I'll be positive to play this map with you.
  3. Zapzap09

    Zapzap09 Ancient

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    Thanks Benzu. I've taken that into consideration and I've sent you a Friend Request. If you wanted to know, it only works with Slayer, CtF and Assault, but I'll be working on modifying it for the other gametypes.
  4. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yargh! I'm a pirate...

    I am quite pleased to know that these reviews are actually leaving impacts on future maps rather than being wasted as a block of text. Well, I actually have tons to right this time around. I played in a four vs. four with my buddies. (Hard to find seven other people to play with now-a-days).

    Well, I have to say that the map layout now definitely supports vehicles. Zooming around and crushing enemies is easier, but the high-ground gives beneficial support against the destructive ghosts. I found it rather humorous and a good strategy to have the ghosts protected by fusion coils, but it also turned out to be a downfall. As one team could sabotage the other with significant ease. Luckily though the anti-vehicle weaponry was significantly more balanced and anyone could take out the ghost without a problem. While at the same time the ghost could take out the enemies more effectively and became important during all game-types.

    I also enjoy how you use windows to give a distinct advantage to higher ground and all the cover gives advantages and disadvantages. I had no issues with the windows since the enemy must back out early or else he'll die to my Battle Rifle fury!

    This is based more on the aspects of forging rather than game-play. So, I have to reevaluate the basic use of forging. While I do consider it to have some good forging in some areas I could see laziness. The bridges would look twenty times nicer if they were forged into the double box backwards and is visually unappealing to any would be down-loader. Another problem is the two lop-sided "angled-walls" on the bridge. While it might be a good aspect of game-play it is once again a visual down-side to the map. The central structure on the other hand is very well forged but more advanced techniques could be used for a significant increase in aesthetics. Another issue would be the doors that had been turned side-ways. Next time I consider you trying to interlock walls instead of doors for a more satisfying look.

    Tip: I recommend you use a budget glitched map. Also here is a link to a Ultimate Budget Glitch with no items on the map at all. It is really clean and I hope you find it helpful as it took some time to find.


    You've outdone yourself in this aspect of the map. You have significantly balanced the weaponry. With only two power weapons (Shotgun, Rocket). One of them is out of ammo before you know it and the shotgun is limited to spots of the map. The Maulers I won't consider a power-weapon just because of how limited they are, which is good. The map is perfect for Battle-Rifles and long-range combat. (Snipers) and a focus on some more distinct vantage points would have been good. regardless the weapon layout fit the map layout to the tooth and it shows your skills are increasing.

    Quickly! Get in da choppa!

    It's rather sad you removed the chopper in this one. The maneuverability would have fit in nicely with that powerful beast of a vehicle. And it might have been determining factors too. But hey, the ghosts were perfect. Although they were overprotected, it was hard to see any ghosts around for long since most people would shoot at fusion coils if they saw the enemy trying to grab it. But regardless of that once the ghosts were unleashed they played the roll of a powerful offense or a powerful defense and I really enjoyed your conventional use of them. The map allowed for the ghosts to get enough cover at the same though, leaving them exposed.

    That's all I have for today. I started writing this at 11:00 and spent 30 minutes just writing this. I would write more, but it's getting late.
    __̴ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡̡.__
  5. Zapzap09

    Zapzap09 Ancient

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    Thanks so much again, Radiant. I'm glad that you enjoyed the map, and I can ensure you that your writing isn't lost in this sea of endless text. I have to agree with you completely with the bridge-ish area, I felt that it was poorly made and looked ugly to the eye. But, in my defense, I was working with limited money, which now I can no longer use as an excuse (So I'll use the Budget Glitch from now on). What I tried to do with the Ghost areas was to work on setting the story on the map, which isn't very big. Would you reccomend that I edit the spawn times so that it seems as if the Ghosts aren't destroyed so quickly? I'm glad that the weapons weren't a turndown this time around, as taking a second look at Grease, I noticed that I went overboard on the power weapons.

    Once again, thanks for the support and know that your ideas and suggestions are going to a good home!
  6. Toxic

    Toxic Forerunner

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    I looked at this map a while ago and came back to post my review and all the pictures were gone... what happened? i see that the pictures are gone from youre signature too, so if you are using imageshack you may want to fix some of that stuff.

    Anyway the map was pretty good but it wasnt so nice looking for details. I liked the main structure but I can see that you ran out of money, so as radiantrain said you should use the infinite money glitch. Me and a bunch of my friends on xbox live downloaded the map and had a good time. The weapons were fun to use against the other weapons and me and my friends enjoyed destroying the fusion coil areas LOL. i would recomend trying to make a map that is asymetricle for your next one so we can see how good you really are. Anyway Ill give it a 8/10 for the main peice of work, but fix alot of details and you could be really amazing.
  7. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    very nice map. love the layout =]
  8. Zapzap09

    Zapzap09 Ancient

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    Thanks Toxic and Kill4Silence. As for the picture issue, it turns out that you cannot delete the pictures on Imageshack and have them stay here. Bah, it took awhile but I fixed it. You couldn't have been more true about what I'm doing for my next project. The only details that I'll give you are that the map is again on Foundry and will be asymmetrical :)
  9. Toxic

    Toxic Forerunner

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    Hey no problem. I also tried out grease but it actually was very poor compared to this one. i cant wait for your next map if you imrpoved this much from your two maps.
  10. Zapzap09

    Zapzap09 Ancient

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    Yeah, don't get your hopes up for Grease. It was an OK start, but I believe I can do much, much better.

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