Sandbox Firefight Alpha Site

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by nixaguy, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. nixaguy

    nixaguy Ancient
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    #1 nixaguy, Apr 2, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  2. nixaguy

    nixaguy Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments man, I would ask for some comments dealling with the map, and why the gametype and map is bad, and why it plays bad, but then I realized you couldnt possibly have enough time to go in, play, and review this map. So thanks for pointing out what was wrong with the aesthetics, next time I make an aesthetic map, ill try to keep that in mind. :)

    Also Gameplay > Aesthetics
  3. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Ancient

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    You merged all of the boxes together, which is good. But overall, the map itself looks boring and dull. With no railings, walls, or really key features that would make the game itself pop, the map looks bad. It's obvious this map took a bit of time, but the entire thing looks boring.
  4. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
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    CaptSTFU! That's a good forger right there, are you sure he was part of the team? Anyway, the map is not good: waaaaaaaay to simple, last time I checked there were no Battle Rifles in ODST, and just not appealing to the eye.
  5. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Actually i am and in defense of my Team Mate this map, as well as some other unreleased maps are more built towards the gameplay not the aesthetics. In all honesty i would consider these maps a v1 of what we will build. True the map "looks" boring but it doesnt "play" boring. The gametype suites this map very well, ever heard the saying "don't judge a book by its cover?" well thats what everyone seems to be doing. I'm sorry Nixaguy but i guess over stunning visuals as well as amazing gamplay (which Fire Fight gives) is what we have to do for an average map now.

    Anyway i enjoyed playing this on all the different stages, FireFight is still the funnest gametype iv ever got to play/make.
    #5 CaptnSTFU, Apr 2, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2010
  6. nixaguy

    nixaguy Ancient
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    I agree, it appears forgehubs standards of a good map are based mostly on aesthetics, so i cant wait until one of you play the map and give it a review.
  7. A CheekyBurrito

    A CheekyBurrito Ancient

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    i'm sorry man, but this isn't good enough for a download. it is no where near looking like the original map. and guessing by the aesthetics. you haven't put much thought or time in it. Look at PRO forgers work. they spend months trying to tweak and play their maps so people want to have a look and play. My very first map i put up here was ****. everyone told me what to do to improve it, and i did. i spent 3 months cahnging my whole design and when i put it back on here, people said they loved it.

    And although i haven't downloaded yet. pictures say a thousand words. That's like putting a piece of monkey poo on ebay nad saying it's donkey Kongs. No. Go back and actually play Alpha Site. (It's all enclosed so you got some work) It's probably because your too lazy. that's why you didn't put any effort into it.

    Here are some tips on what to do

    -Actually play Alpha Site
    -Delete everything in your map.
    -Make a map as accurate as you can.
    -Make it enclosed with a roof.

    If you can't make it accurately. i will help you i am usually on at around 3 o'clock in the afternoon. GT: A CheekyBurrito
  8. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Oh I get it. Did you post this here simply so you can make that point? Our standards are totally based off aesthetics, which is way no random structure, flashy default sandbox maps with mediocre and stale gameplay never get featured? This is why every time a staff or long standing member makes a comment on a map it involves flaws in pathways, lack of flow, minimal railings being an issue, etc? This is why we build maps specifically for our tournaments and spend months testing? Yeah that makes sense.

    No, I suppose you didn't post it here to make that point, as you did post it on xforgery as well, so I went and checked. Seems xforgery has the same views on this map as we do:

    So no, I think the reason your map is getting responses such as the above is because it deserves to be in Forge Discussion with a map preview tag. It doesn't take a playthrough to realize a map that is essentially a flat surface with minimal height changes, minimal routes, no railings, a random one wall high box in the center and some scattered pillars has no gameplay. Yeah that's right, not bad gameplay, no gameplay. This map isn't finished. I could essentially gather the same experience throwing a couple crates down on blank foundry, sans the deathzone anyway. I'm not completely sure how this required four forgers to make but I must say I'm quite surprised to see your name here CaptnSTFU. I know you have talent and this map is definitely not a demonstration of it.
  9. ptto911

    ptto911 Ancient

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    This doesn't really remind me of Alpha Site at all. Not worth a download, or a rating. It should be bigger and at least have a roof.
    #9 ptto911, Apr 3, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2010
  10. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    the aesthetics are such a big deal because its a remake. the big problem is scale and the downright sloppiness. this website is a courtesy for halo players to find good maps to play. your basically making it harder for people to have a good time, by making them have to sift through your **** to find a good map. your also making it harder for other maps people put an effort into to be seen. next time you post a map. step it up or don't post at all.
  11. Mattie 400

    Mattie 400 Ancient
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    Yeah, I agree, its not even worth to DL, but my friend DLed it, and we found that the humans just camp in the spawn room.

    Also, the aesthetics to make a difference, because its a remake, and a remake is supposed to look the same, so put some effort into making it actually resemble the map, because a few blue and red columns dont resemble the pillars that go round half the map, you've missed out the list, you've left out the rooms that humans start in, and youve missed out the platforms after the pillars that the covenant land in. Nor the greatest remake, sorry
  12. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I will say that this is a long standing problem in the forging community.
    People by default judge what they see rather than what they don't see.
    And as forging capabilities expand so do people's expectations.
    Now everyone expects ridiculous, immpossible structures thanks to ghost merging and amazing aesthetics despite a mostly sandy color palette and objects that seldom vary in shape.
    Some succeed in doing this but others require more of those objects to develop elements of core gameplay within the map.

    As much as it pains me to say this, he's right.
    Since this is a map that's not brand new to anyone's eyes and serves as a remake on a different disc it needs to present the player with roughly the same look and feel as its predecessor.
    This map does neither of those.
    If I were to have seen this without knowing it before hand this would have meant nothing close to Alpha Site to me.
    Need I mention that most of Alpha Site was enclosed except for say the covenant spawn?
    Despite the limited colors and shapes available, there still could have been a lot more done to influence aesthetics and gameplay.
    And while we're on the subject of gameplay, let's talk about it.
    Yea, I played it just so I wouldn't be accused otherwise.
    Even though It was a local match with me my little brother and a couple of his friends I found that any more than 4 people on this map would be utter chaos.
    You say 6-8 players, but with 4 it was hard to have any space between fighting then death then fighting again. This map almost encompassed a mad dash to get a battle rifle (in firefight?) and camp the spawn behind the two small pillars and that was it.
    No Flow. Whatsoever.
    I follow chrstphrbrnn in his views in its entirety.
    This looks more like an unfinished map than a map remake.
    I would suggest you look back at your Lost Platoon remake and draw your efforts from that one into this one.
    Also, don't forge with so many people.
    While ya'll are all good forgers, sometimes when so many minds get together ideas can clash (which may seem inapplicable since this is a remake but it's not.)
    Since you used maybe 5% of your resources I'd suggest trying again.

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