lol, and the Elites look so Bad-Ass! And, Monitor confirmed! (even though we knew Forge was in Before this further fortifies it!)
That doesn't really confirm Forge at all...or monitors. Also, they should definitely put it in! If someone was trash talking me on XBL, I would just say "1v1 chess or GTFO!"
What are you talking about? They mention Monitor in the video and you can plainly see it at 1:37. And I doubt that they rendered the Monitor for Guilty Spark because He probably won't be in the campaign.
Oh, by the way guys, I was speaking to runNOKYARDrun while playing the grifball playlist about five minutes ago, He and a bunch of other elite grifball players, are about 99% positive that the "chess arena" is actually Reach's Official Grifball court. Yay Grifball. And for those of you that don't like it, you don't have to play it.
I was totally taken in by that until I saw the April Fools part. Also, because I saw it a day late so my april fools sensor wasn't on. I want Bungie to give us that as a DLC.
lol I love how everyone is talking so serious about it like it's actually a new cool thing for the game. I bet this'll get a lot of people to forge chess boards when reach comes out!