Good people of Forgehub, I request your assistance. I am in the process of filming a machinima slated for a fall release (Dreamweaver- check my trailer in films), but I need characters for a large spartan/elite battle in one scene. If you are interested, let me know. My requirements are as follows: You must: -be online at a to-be-specified time Saturday afternoon (central time), Arpil 26 -be able to join a game hosted on a moderate NAT type. -be willing to change your armor for the battle, if need be -be able to communicate via headset -be willing to follow specific instructions if they are given to you -send me a private message with your live information if you agree to the terms so I can add you as a friend to invite. I will not require voice acting, just the bodies. Hopefully the moderators will not strike this request, and I hope to hear from you soon. Additionally, please don't spam me with plot ideas. pleasepleaseplease don't do that...
you know that pleasepleaseplease dont do that is just encouring us to do that right? anywho, DrawingMan is down for this project. Im bringing ToochieHxC with me if that would be ok.
It's a lose-lose either way... its not my fault. (did you hear me? I said it's not my fault!) anyways, glad to have you aboard. I'd like a total of 12-16 players, if they can be found. I don't think we'll have a problem with that, tho.
come one, come all; i'm honored to have you aboard. Finalizing the time, the current plan is to have this go down a 3:00 pm CST, April 26th. We'll give people some extra time to actually get on and set up, so the battle itself will most likely start around 3:15, but if you' show up late... you'll never hear the end of it. okay, ignore my idle threat there. For those of you who may be overseas, it's the time on the clocks in Chicago, or UTC/GMT -5 hours. I'm looking forward to working with you all. EDIT: Armor restrictions. In order to maintain the atmosphere I want for the scene, a few restrictions will be enforced as to the type of armor people can wear. Armor NOT allowed: -Helmets: EVA, Security, Hayabusa, Ascetic, Commando (nor Recon, if applicable) -Shoulders: Hayabusa, Commando (once again, nor Recon) -Body: Hayabusa I would also dissuade people from using the CQB helmet and EOD helmet and shoulders, but the decision is yours to make. Additionally, the ratio of Spartans to Sangheili will be approximately 2:3, sangheili having a larger force. The exact number will be decided in the pregame lobby.
*bump* firstly, apologies for this double-post. I know how frowned-upon this is But anyways, anyone and everyone involved and who wishes to be involved please note the times in my above post. Only two more days until the event, and I look forward to seeing you all there! :squirrel_chatting:
good deal! Is that a zero or capital "o" in your GT? And the armor you use is really your choice, excluding those on the bottom of the first page. A general notice: please have an alternate race armor scheme prepared (E.G, a sangheili armor even though you would rather be spartan) just in case. It'll save time if we need to shuffle some people. And lastly, please check your badges and remove any uber-distinctive/non-halo-ish ones. It really shouldn't matter too much, but I would appreciate not having to worry about it; should I want a very specific shot and someone's badge screws it up... Thank you all!
I'll most likely be on. (I might be playing my Wii, I don't know). I can change to any armor permutation you want. (Except stupid recon ) and can follow exact orders. GT: Relys Give me a ring-a-ling-ding if you need me. I've never really been in a Machinima and I think it would be fun.
I can be on. I'd prefer to be a Sangheili. I'll do anything but I'd prefer being an elite. GT:I Fastforward I
Basically all the best looking ones huh? lol no worries mate, hanged my armor set today to make it easier. But I don't have any idea what you mean by no non-haloish emblems. Mine: I win Klink -Grif
yours is fine. For instance, if one were a sangheili and had "sticky" emblem or one of the numbers. Also, the afro-esque design that crops from time to time. It's not a major concern, and I'll point it out if I see one that I really disagree with. And for everyone (yeah, I keep tacking stuff on here...), there won't be much acting involved, it'll be more of just a slayer match with direction. Depending on what you all want to do, we might do two separate scenes, one of which being much more strict in how it unfolds, but that's to be decided on saturday afternoon. Please double-check on the time to show up, you don't want to miss out now do you?
I have them sent out. I think I sent one to everyone who has expressed interest as of this post, so if you don' t have a FR from me, let me know if I sent it to someone who shares 90% of your GTs characters.
i can't do it, there was a was change of plans, and i have math tutoring for an hour on saturday at 10:00 so that would be 3:00 your time. sorry man i really am.