Hey everyone who liked our music, as you may recall, awhile ago we lost our singer. Its been many grueling months looking for a replacement, but we finally got that out of the way. We'd like to introduce to you Nik Humphreys, who used to sing and drum in a band from New York called Withoutjade. We went to the studio over the weekend, and here are two tracks he re-did the vocals on. Lemme know what you think! Dont be afraid to be honest. The Silence Broken [NEW SONG UP] on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads GarageBand.com : The Silence Broken The Silence Broken on PureVolume.com The Silence Broken ? Discover music, concerts, & pictures at Last.fm
I agree with Shaddo. After listening to Poor Carmine, the singing isnt bad, the new guy's clean vocals kinda remind me of Matt Tuck (BFMV) but his screams are definitely better in my opinion. Do you have anyone else who can sing with him? Sometimes a background vocalist can help out alot. That being said I like the track alot, I just think the vocals could use a little fine tuning.
Oh my jesus. <3 I was iffy on the first one you released with the new singer, but his voice just really works with "poor carmine".
I'm not an absolute fan of the screaming parts, but at the same time I feel like they give some of your song parts a distinction than the rest. Your new singer has a good voice and I think you should showcase him a bit more. I've heard your old music and your new music and with the new singer I feel like you guys are even better than before. Your instruments are heavy like they should be, but at times I feel like his voice is being drown out by them as well. With all of this being said I do appreciate the style of music your band is going for and I hope to hear some more new stuff in the coming months. I've probably said this in the past, but me and my buddy might come out to NY one of these days to see you play cause we're right in NJ. Best of luck as always Silence.
honestly, i prefer the old singer on poor carmine. not to say the new one doesn't have skill, he certainly does.
Thanks for the reviews guys. On February 28th, "Poor Carmine" won "TRACK OF THE DAY" on Garage Band. I appreciate you all checkin my **** out. On March 10th, "Poor Carmine" won "TRACK OF THE WEEK" on Garage Band.
Pardon the bump, infract if necessary. "Brokaw" has been added to the player. Thoughts are welcome always.
Wow....I just listened to "Poor Carmine." I was expecting something crappy. It was actually good. The vocals are kind of...whiny. But other than that, the music is good, and everything sounds good overall.
Oh my...this is almost as good as Poor Carmine in my opinion and better than In Search Of Hope. If you guys come to Chicago, Indy, Columbus, or anywhere near there, please say something cuz I'd love to see this live.
We're just poor dudes from NY bro, so the farther from NY you live, the less chance you have of actually catching us anytime soon. We plan to sorta mini tour places like Pennsylvania and Virginia and the like, so maybe we will eventually spread out a little farther when we start making some money off this.
Yeah...I know how that goes, I gotta friend at Michigan State who has his own band, and they barely make it out of the state for gigs. Still, I'd pay to see the stuff you got live.
Highly disagreed. He has a very good singing voice. I really like this music. I would buy the CD Also, Poor Carmine and Search of Hope have a very similar sounding guitar riff. Sounds good regardless.
hahaha no. I mean when you guise do go big because I believe in you guise, I'd pay anything to see your shows in Chicago, Lol.
I was listening to the new stuff while writing this massive paper. Very nice sir. When I'm not broke, I'm buying your album.