the camo armor ability has a built in radar jammer with it. edit: podcast is not coming today. it was recorded in march, but we wont hear it for a couple weeks, likely. its a special edition retrospective that they hinted at earlier, with Bertone playing through an old campaign level (likely from CE) and giving commentary. But there will be a regular podcast for April as well. Today's info drop comes via Game Informer and is sandbox related, including vehicles. But the beta will not include the Falcon, so we won't hear anything about it yet, unfortunately. However, next week's info drop is all about the multiplayer maps we will see in the beta :O
Theres a lot of idiot comments on there.. and who said this is bungie's last halo game? They cant exactly have it as their last considering the ending of halo 3 leads us to believe there will be a sequel. However, they have said its the last of the trilogy (h3).. doesnt mean its gonna be the last halo game... (considering reach is coming out shortly) I reckon they'll bring out another halo that follows on from h3 but doesnt have anything to do with the halo rings, but possibly just forerunner stuff.
NOOOOOooOOO. This one company called Bungie did? Also, pictures of some assets, including the splaser Sorry to those who can't read French, it'll most likely get posted up on another site in english later though.
English translation Edit: Some notes from Sketch and Urk. -The image you see that kinda looks like a plasma rifle... is not a plasma rifle. its new. -Assassinations can happen from most sides, but not from the front. Sage says they can happen from anywhere outside a player's FOV. So, from 120 degrees basically. -Loadouts (weapon+AA) can be selected upon spawn, are predetermined per map/gametype by Shishka and holf for MM, but can be set up differently for customs (no customs in beta, though) Urk will clear up any confusion in the update on friday. Shame these frenchies got to this before GI got their article up, but supposedly their interview is more robust.
Same, I hope it's on select maps. And the thing that looks like a plasma rifle, I have no ideal but the covenant version of an assault rifle.
I for one am excited to see the lasers return. Along with the hammer and sword. Staple weapons that make Halo not just another first-person. Also, jizz at new shotgun.
I love the laser too, it's just that it made vehicular combat unbalanced since the laser can kill anything anywhere. I just don't want it in as many maps that is all.
Agreed. I feel that the laser made people fear vehicular combat on larger maps. A map like Sandtrap would've been fine with the Rocket Launcher and the Missile Pod. The Rockets are fairly hard to use if you're trying to hit a moving target, and the Missile Pod basically lets you know that you're screwed unless you either move or get out of the vehicle you're driving. I personally find it very irritating to take two other of my teammates in a Warthog, drive for a few seconds, then get lasered, only to respawn, grab a Chopper, drive a few more seconds, and get lasered again. Yes, that last sentence was a HUGE run-on, but oh well. He who controls the laser controls the map. Plus, the weapon (again, IMO) requires very little skill to use. Simply point, charge, and watch the fireworks. All levels of players can use it with relative ease. Fix'd.
Exclusive Interview On The Halo: Reach Sandbox - Features - i love bungie. sage merril is the best thing to happen to the bungie crew since lord knows when
Loadouts, just what I feared. But is bungie that we're talking about, and to me they haven't failed yet. I think bungie was saying that they will make it off limits to power weapons and have a ton of weapons in the main game.
When Bungie says loadouts, I doubt that they mean, "Teh ub3r lowdoubtz," like Rocket Launcher+Spartan Laser+Invincibility. Just putting that out there.