Not intended to be a heated debate, theres a reason those were removed. I've always wondered, being a teen (junior in highschool) that cannot see his life without including some service, why do many unemployed people not consider service as a career? If you have any college degree you can go to Officer Candidate/Training School... If you can't find a job now, having a military background will help when the market regains itself... Its not like every career in the military is deadly... If you are unemployed, have been in the military for that reason, or are in for that reason right now, your input is important
The military is getting more strict with people joining I hear. For example, if you have a criminal record, you can't join the air force. Or if you have an inappropriate tattoo, you can't join the army. Or something. I think it's only the Air Force and Marines that are getting strict. That's my opinion on why the unemployed don't join the military.
Because serving in the military, combatant or non-combatant, isn't always an appealing career choice. A career is no part time job, and the military is definitely no part time job. Unlike a career in culinary arts, for example, you enlist; and regardless of what position you fill, you are called into service and have to serve for your given time. You can't just decide to change careers, quit your job, and pursue something else. Second, being a teenager I wouldn't expect you to understand, but service in the military most often includes service away from home. If you're 30, recently laid-off, a husband and father of two, and you enlist in the military, you aren't going to see your family for extended periods of time. It's not like your old desk job, where you would come home at the end of each day. You are sent places, again, in combatant and non-combatant roles alike. That's not to say that there aren't positions in the military that allow you to come home to your family at times, but those aren't that common. In short, the military isn't for everyone.
As X5 said the military is not an option to some people because they have family that they have to take care of, also most unemployed people that have been for a while will most likely end up as a foot soldier since they won't have the qualifications needed to go to officer school and a lot of people wouldn't want to put their life on the line like that. However saying that I'm about to go to university for a 4 year marine biology course after which I will most likely go to officer school and serve some time in the navy as an officer but thats mainly because my uncle was an officer in the SAS and he has always tried to convince me to do something in the military, well that and it also goes down amazingly well on you're CV.
Don't expect much out of Vinny, he's just trolling. Also not everyone agrees with our current situation, some people may decide not to because it goes against their ethics.
While I agree with all of your statements of why not to go, if you do do service, like let's say four years, you will get a four year ride to college, and you do actually get payed some what while in your service, so you have something to use once you get out, plus you can get unemployment money too, and just chill once you get out of the army, that is if you don't feel like getting a job right away when you get back.
What I am trying to say is: Not everyone is cut out for the military. I'd say the majority of citizens today, are not even thinking about enlisting because of the way a military lifestyle is. When you enlist in the military, you are basically putting your life under government control. I'm not really bashing the military, i'm probably going to be there myself eventually when I get my **** together, i'm just saying, it's not a lifestyle a lot of people would be happy to be living. i'm not sure if this came out right.
I remember when you considered the military, I don't blame you though. I myself want to go, but my parent won't let me. I will if I don't get anywhere after high school. There isn't much to discuss now cause X5 nailed it pretty well. But it is my 3 option